Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Spiritual nourishment (Sun 17 B / 29.07.12)

The Gospels to read on the 17. to the 21. Sun B (Joh 6.1-69) are good reason to offer some considerations in regard of "spiritual nourishment".
Feedbacks are truly welcomed!

As a point of departure we state: every human being is Nature, Mind + Spirit.
We are rooted in nature, talented with mind (intellectual activities) and we strive
into the realm of Spirituality. By this intrpretation: we are cosmic beings.

On the way into a good future let's be aware how important is the kind of food
we are going to eat and drink - in regard of our development. It means we point
to the natural, intellectual and spiritual nourishment of every human being. Who ever likes to participate more intensively with the fullness of Life - has to observe the right diet.

As a Church we are specialized in spiritual nourishment and diet.
What and how to feet not only our body and mind, but also our spirit -
this is a Church-concern. The history shows the Churches have developped
a lot of spiritualities and a high level of understanding in regard of spiritual diet.

May we note:
a) For a Christian all, but really all, may become a kind of spiritual food.
A Christian is able to "convert" (turn over) all "events" into nutritious food.
b) The Christian Religion proclaims very clearly:
                First degree food is the Mystery of God.
On the other hand: to meditate the Mystery of God is the high Art
of meditation (a sublime kind of digestion).
c) For the Christian Churches the Mystery of God is given, offered best
in Jesus Christ. He is seen as a truly entrance into the Mystery of God;
therefore He is also called "the Bread of Life".
d) But it must be said: God and Jesus Christ (like all the other spiritual food)
is not given directly but mediated by the people around us.
This mediation is transparently symbolized by the celebration of the Eucharist.
e) The reception of the spiritual food is done by our inner and external senses.
f) The essence of Christian Spirituality is to reveal the Glory of God -
and this "here + now", contingent (fragmentary) but truly.

A good spiritual diet will empower humans to develop into the image of God,
promised since creation started...

Montag, 23. Juli 2012

Notice 220712

Notice is an idea cooked enough to be served.

           RELIABILITY is the highest act of piety.
           keep the word and we meet!  The promise is on the way!

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

Sun 16 B (22.07.12) "COMEBACK" Mk.6.30

After the Apostles have done their given task, somehow performed their specific
mission, they came back - rejoin Jesus - and started "story-telling".

For our time in our Parish:
A) Who feels to have got a specific mission into his/her own situation?
B) If yes: did you get an invitation to come back and to tell your experiences;
     more: to exchange your "successes"? And to be part of a mission-plan
     and you feel to be taken seriously?
     I feel this is the strategy of Jesus!

And today:
A) It's the Parish-Council (with the Parish-Priest) who has the duty to explain
and to tailor with you your specific mission in your situation, in our Community.
Your mission ist not to fulfill your dreams or imaginations - our mission is to
re-act to the need of our people "on the way to participate with the fulness of Life".
Such a mission needs a good preparation, encouragement and resources.
B) But - and this says the GOSPEL of today - there must be a chance to come
back and to tell, exchange your experiences. Such a "comeback" is the real step,
the stepping stone into the Christian future.

This level of "Christian-Community-Life" for every Community-member
(for 30% of all adult members) is a modern goal. Everyone has discovered and
discussed his specific mission; he/she is well conscious of his/her mission - and brings
back his/her experiences, again and again.

But a public-mission-strategy for every Community-member (especially after
confirmation) is only written between the stars. We on earth don't have it.
              "ons is verlore tussen die daaglikse besigheid".

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

Sun 15 B (15.07.12) UNCLEAN SPIRITS...

Mk (6.7-13) is confronted with the same situation as we today:
a lot of people are confused - they are in troubles - they see no way to go -
But Mk is convinced: Jesus by his life-style has summoned the Twelve
(and all followers) and has given them a mission (and the courage) to bring
order (structure) into the life-style of the people (confusion is not healthy).
Disorder in thinking, un-understandable speaking, chaotic doing...
all this means: dominated by unclean Spirits.
But the creation of God is a "kosmos" - a wonderful order - where there
is chaos there may be order! And this faculty is given to the "homo sapiens"
to bring order into the disorder - to bring peace where there is war - to
bring love where there is hatred.It's an ongoing process - all over...
This creating work is given into the hands of the Church, of the baptised people!
We need education in skills-develping, in time-management, in thinking-discipline,
in emotions-driving etc... most of all in structuring our acts.
Religion is the management of our relation with the mystery of God.
If you feel God is on your side - that's un unclean Spirit - because God is on the
side of all; on the side of the whole Kosmos. God is not GRACE for you -
God is GRACE for all! If you feel God is only an allmighty Father - that's
an unclean Spirit - because God is father and mother, friend and lover etc...
and at the end: God is a total MYSTERY it means: not to understand at all!
This is one of the high tasks given to our Priests: to accompnay baptised
people on the progress into a mystic life-style...
Unclean Spirits destroy lifes, communities, nations, economic systems,
families, associations und so on... clean water - a need for everyone -
is a symbol for a clean Spirit.

Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Sun 14 B (08.07.12) Mk 6.1-6 rejected...

It's quite painful to get rejected by your own people...
But the Ev John told us (Joh 1.11)
"He came to his own and his own people did not accept him"
In Mk today the same message...
Maybe Mk has seen what we see today: the own people reject him.
Today: all the Christian Churches officially know Jesus best, they have made
a picture of him "handmade" - and as such they are able to accept him.
And here is the great question: do we know Jesus? and wich Jesus we are
ready to accept and which one we like to reject?
The Jesus who works in our favour - we like him!
But the one who correct us - we reject him?
As priests - representing Jesus - we must pay attention.
Not only which Jesus we represent but also which side of his personality we
know and which side we don't know yet!
The problem: everybody can do his work best only when accepted.
Seed and soil belong together. The speaker needs the hearer.
The face needs the heart. If nobody listens there is no message!
The message of Jesus is not possibel without reception!
Rejection means - we refuse to play our part.
It's today the same in the Church: too many refuse to play their part -
they are not against the message - only they do not listen!
We better find out: where I'm a rejecting one ?