Freitag, 28. September 2012

Sun 26 B (30.09.12) Mk 9.38-48

Mk presents today two deep insights into Christian Life.
Jesus is convinced:

A) Anyone who is not against us - is for us.
He made this declaration against the thinking of his apostles to stop a man doing Good Deeds without belonging to the group.
For the Ecumenism of today is the declaration of Jesus more than needed.
Every Christian Denomination should get a voice amidst the world-ecumenical- movement. Nobody is to exclude - and the one who pretend to be the only right way - excludes himself.

B) Anyone who gives a cup of water to the one who belongs to Christ
will not lose his reward.
Note: giving "a cup of water" means: to keep him alive.
          To be a Christian means: to be in service of the participation of all
                                                 with the fulness of Life.
Jesus therefore is convinced:
to keep a Christian Community alive is of great advantage for the whole world.
Don't forget: Christianity stabilises humanity amidst the evolution-process.
But it must be said:
The Christian Community is only an advantage as far as the Christian Values are put in practice.
Your works (hand) and your development (feet) and your sciences (eye)
are of no value if they are not in service of the participation of all with
the fulness of Life.

Samstag, 22. September 2012

Sun 25 B (23.09.12) Mk 9.30-37

Back from my CH-Holiday
I'm going again to meditate the Sunday-Gospel

Today Jesus shows his future...
1.) "delivered into the hands of men"
      that's something very normal; we all are given into the hands of others..
      nobody is living alone...
2.) "they put him to death"
      everybody has to die - some are dying normally - other people show
      a behavior intolerable for others - this may lead to dying by engagement
      It seems Jesus has discovered his situation
3.) "he will rise again"
     Jesus has the interesting view that "living + dying" is the way into the
     fulness of Life (resurrection, heaven). In other words:
     we are on the resurrection way!
Sure, it's for people of today difficult to understand such a view; the homo sapiens
is not yet enough developed...

But if you see all development as a way into a higher level o Life-fulness,
all goal of all is fulness of Life (cosmological aim) You will accept by such
a view "Life-service" is the best (servant of all).

And (more interestingly): Jesus proclaims the "unity of service".
Life-service for a human being is identical with service to Jesus and more:
identical with service to God.
Sorry: the Religions have not yet accepted the consequences of such a proclamation.
Also in our Church: many believers make a great difference between a religious
and a human service.