Samstag, 28. Mai 2016

HOW do I understand myself ?

On the 29.05.2016 Namibia celebrates the EUCHARIST: a gift of Jesus and of the CHURCH for the people of 2016...  for the whole world...
A) In 1 Cor 11.23-26 Paulus shows us the very interesting and wonderful SELF-UNDER-

STANDING of JvN (developed by his people many years ago):
A 1. "I am bread and wine for all" (as a metaphor) or in the old language: "my body and blood is given for you / for the life of the world" or in the language of today: "I live for you, I work for you, I'm engaged for you". (I'm at your service! What can I do for you? How can we help you?)     [The Ev John will show us more about this Jesus-Self"]
A 2. This excellent SELFUNDERSTANDING, developed since of old, is a mark of JvN, but is meant as something for everyone; it's like an offer, an invitation... a gift... it's a survival discovery of humanity...  it's a redeeming act...
A 3. People of such a SELFUNDERSTANDING are together a new covenant, a world-
corporation, a Company not for gain but for giving, a trust...
B) Later Lk (9.11-17) shows JvN with such an SELFUNDERSTANDING in Action:As normal JvN makes the crowds welcome. The Twelve (Apostles) care for the people (as

it should be! They give a good advice to JvN: let the people go to find food and lodging).
But JvN has another understanding about the Twelve: It's up to you to give them to eat. And in reality: they cannot (until today)! How to solve the problem? JvN shows the way:
Take what you have... multiply what you have...  in favor for all...

C) Today the EUCHARIST-Celebration is a REMINDER for all of us about this crucial human Selfunderstanding for survival.
C 1. Try to develop as a Christian the real SELFUNDERSTANDING of JvN.
C 2) Put this redeeming Selfunderstanding step by step into action:

Step 01) Discover what you have: your skills, your property / your blessings... etc...
Step 02) Elaborate a strategy to multiply what you have (your "credit").
Step 03) Find a way to meet people with the same Selfunderstanding..
               [ in reality the Church should be such a corporation, a company...]

Step 4) Invest your new belongings, "your credit" into a common goal.
As we make a procession on this Sunday... the spectators will understand our message?
And you are willing to demonstrate in public your Christian Selfunderstanding ?
And how are your experiences in this regard in your Community?

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

embody the Spirit of God

For the liturgical year EASTER is high point - we celebrate the most important EVENT 
in Christian Life: the Resurrection. We are convinced the life of JvN ist the most outstanding INCARNATION - EMBODYMENT of the Spirit of God. We know: 
as a human Incarnation HE has to die - but the cross is in every case a shock. 
And then the great question: where is his body ???  remember Maria of Magdala ! 
his inexplicable appearances for many ? he is somehow recognized (Emmaus / Beach)  - but finally he has totally disappeared (named Ascension).
At this moment - why the story of Jesus Christ is not ending? The famous answer:
Because the Holy God has decided to give us his Spirit, the fullness of Life.
Therefore: WHO is open to accept this gift and to incorporate (to embody, to impersonate,

to incarnate) the Spirit of God into his own life-style? It`s very good for us, it`s  joy, to see, 
to experience people living the Spirit of God.
On Pentecost we celebrate the fact: The Spirit of God is poured out. The one who believes in the Holy Spirit (cf. Creed) is convinced the Spirit of God is not jailed in Heaven but poured out and therefore the one who believes will never more sing: "come Holy Spirit come".
It`s one of the famous contradiction of the practical Catholic Life: "to believe in the Holy Spirit" + to sing: "Come Holy Spirit come". 
Everyone who waits for the Holy Spirit is a witness of: the Holy Spirit didn`t come yet. 
As we wait and pray to get the Holy Spirit - we are totally wrong - the whole Bible (Genesis etc... until Mary of Nazareth and until the Apostles) and the Creed and the History and all the Holy-Ones proclaim: The Holy Spirit is poured out. 
Everybody knows God is a "GIVING GIFT". He has given his Spirit, his Creation, his Son - he has given all and Himself - nothing less - and there is nothing more HE can give us.
The only problem: there are some people unable to accept the "giving Gift"; they are not open but closed. We have in the Church the ever-waiting (praying) people and the people who try to live the Spirit of God.
The celebration of Pentecost is an INVITATION to make a clear decision again:
I wait or I try! I open or I close! I enjoy the Gift or I look after! 
Please discover: it`s a fact: You got body + mind + soul... here in is incarnated the Spirit of God and it`s up to you to embody, to live this wonderful Spirit of God. 

I wish for all a refreshing May-Holiday