Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

three times seen

Dear Reader.
In May 2018 I was two times in CH:

a) for the funeral of my twin-brother Josef
b) for Holiday with Ailly + Moni
and now I try again to give you
spiritual water... may it makes you
healthy and still more beauty ...

As you celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus you have to take into account his ascension into Heaven. These 40 days "between" are full of encounters; it's again time to exercise a new kind of life... and then - take it pls seriously - Jesus has disappeared. It follows: "10 day's in
fear" (without Jesus and without Holy Spirit is a very dark time - you know it). And now the Revelation - performed in a dramatic scene: people! The Holy spirit is poured out since ever; is given like a tongue for speaking, like an energy for engagement. That's a great reason to celebrate Pentecost. 

As the Holy Spirit is given and accepted - we get insight into the Mystery of God. An old declaration for our God is the name "Trinity" (Sunday 28.05.2018). On theological level a very high title. On an all-day-level a normal experience:
The sun - a great mystery / a symbol of God - is given to us: as a light (Jesus: I'm Light of the World); as a warm -up (Creator God); as a source of energy (Holy spirit).
Dear Mr. xyz! You know ladies are a mystery. It may happen such a nice lady is given to you as a girl-friend, as a spouse, as the mother of your children. It means: one mystery given, experienced by three epiphanies. That's normal...   that's "trinity in life": God the total holy Mystery let see, experience himself - God reveals himself - as human (Jesus), as creator
(Father-God), as spiritual energy (Holy Spirit).
What a great relief the Mystery of God given in all-day experiences.