Samstag, 18. August 2012

Sun 24 B (16.09.12) Mk 8.27-35

Last Sunday we have seen: to be open means perceive, take in, receive...
On the other hand: to be open means also: reach out, spend, go...
Jesu's way is engagement (also in public)... and this is what Peter
not yet understood... go out is dangerous... but any way: Life is dangerous.
Death is part of Life; that's a cosmological law - for everybody and for all.
You only have the chance to decide (somehow) for what you will  live and die.
Keep life for yourself and you are lost; give it and you are enriched.

What do you feel about Jesu in your life?
Is he the law, the tradition, a challenge, an eye-opener; is he possessive or
he gives you free; he encourage you to stay or to go...

And something for modern people: in the case that Jesus is for you the
corner-stone - there is no need to tell it to everybody or everytime,
better: go your way and impress by your doing.

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