Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

FISHING Lk 5.1-11 (10.02.2013) 5th Sunday C

Jesus calls Simone Petrus (this means the whole Church) to become
"fisher of men". Every Religion, every Idea, every concept... needs this
activity: to bring people in; to get coworkers. to have members...
it's a natural law to get people to carry the idea further...
the "fishing of men" is all over, at all time - it's the fight for survival.
It's not Jesus Christ, it's not the Holy God, who decides about the
religious majority; it's the people called "fishers of men"!

Jesus has convinced Petrus Simon + Co: if you go out fishing in my name
there will be a great catch! In 2013 the Christianity is the bigest "fishing- enterpriese" between the Religions of the World. But things are going to change!
If we like to have in future a "Christian World" we must increase our fishing-effort!

 "Simon Petrus follows Jesus" - means: he takes over the fishing-method of Jesus.
It's a pity, the Church has not all the time kept to the method of Jesus.
Not "fishing men" is the problem - the problem is the method! And this is what we have to learn again.
We learn the method of Jesus A) as we meditate the gospel
                                               B) as we work togehter with a Christian group
                                               C) as we have the courage to make experiences.
In my view the method of Jesus is composed of:
1.) INVITATION (no force, no order, no gratification, no tricks...)
2.) ATTRACTION (the Church must be made attractive in a good sense)
3.) ANIMATION (to empower people for a free YES)

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