Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

HOLY SPIRIT given or not ? ? ? Pentecost

Again and again the CHURCH proclaims: The HOLY SPIRIT is poured out.
The Holy Scripture also: since Genesis to Pentecost - Holy Spirit is given.
Why it's sooo difficult to accept this message ?
Because the CHURCH also tells us the contrary: To call and to sing:
"Veni creator Spiritus - Komm Heiliger Geist". From where comes this
ambiguity ? Why not take a clear decision ?
Since of old - people are unsure: Is God good or evil ?
And Jesus - he was also unsure ? As I got it: Jesus has proclaimed:
God is good and mercifull... but sure also in the New Testament:
it's not yet sooo clear: there are different messages too !
This ambiguity is an offer to make a decision...
And if you see God as good... than also HE has poured out his SPIRIT,
totally and for everybody - gratis, as a gift ! not for negotiation !

But on the other hand: some people are not open for the HOLY SPIRIT,
they refuse to accept HIM; they feel: He ist not given to me, at least
not enough. They didn't learn to "drink" the HOLY SPIRIT; they didn't learn
to open the eyes and the ears - they don't look at the experiences deeply.

In modern language: The HOLY SPIRIT is a POSSIBILITY / Potentiality.
And everyone has the chance to activate this allpresent Gift.
The HOLY SPIRIT is not an automat - he waits to be activated.

Let's take an example:
I, the priest, tells you in the Holy Mass four times: "The Lord be with you".
Translated I like to tell you: The intention of Jesus Christ to unite all people present be with you. Or at the end of the Holy Mass: "As you go the Lord
[the intention to unite all people in the Word] be with you".
This intention to unite - this is the experience of the Holy Spirit, it's
the SPIRIT of Jesus.
But, how much do you activate this intention as we are together to celebrate ? Do you call this intention into your consciousness ? do you activate your eyes
and ears and hand and feet to unite the people present ? Or, do you do nothing ?
Sure: if you go deeper, somehow you like it, that we all are well united - you
really experience the HOLY SPIRIT because you discover: there is a sleeping wish, intention: we may be united. But are we too lazy to activate this intention ?
Or - worse - the structure of the celebration hinder us to activate the intention
to get united ?
Pentecost: We are gratefull the HOLY SPIRIT is possible -
but let us each other encourage, to activate him/her.


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