Freitag, 20. September 2013

25 Sun C : A Christian probation-field.

Luke (16.1-13) reveals us that Jesus sees the money as a probation-field. He says something like: If you are able to manage your money honestly - you are able to be trusted with higher genuine riches. If not - sorry you are lost.
Let's have a look at this interesting "money-probation-field"

1.) What value has money in your life?  Are you able to give money the exact value it deserves? Don't forget: where your heart there is your Life.
A) "I don't tell it to nobody, but I feel money is the highest value in my life:
no money = no life!" what a poor heart. Now money is your god. It's your decision?
B) "Money for me is important". You are a realistic person and as you take it serious: you sure will learn to be a good manager of your money.
C) "Money tells me nothing". Sorry - did you take the vow of poverty?

2.) I hope most of us are in B): We value money as important. Therefore we like
to be somehow rich in money and - why not - we hope everybody may be rich -
not only me. The question insists: How we get rich in money?
- some steal it; a well known method; hoping the other one will not be successful.
- some pray for money; God as world-bank-chief;  money by rain! (a lila dream)
- some share the money; it's quite a realistic and healty method.
- some work for money; it's today the most accepted method - not a bad one.
If you like to get money by working, you need a clever strategy: a clear effective management of money.
Rule 1 of money-management is "bookkeeping". This is prove of your seriousness.
Every confirmation-course includes a bookkeeping-exam! A honest bookkeeping shows you from where how much money is coming and where how much money is going and - how honest you are! (= not cheating yourself).
Rule 2 is therefore: I know my money-situation. And if you really know, accept
Rule 3 "I am the manager of my money!" (m3)
Now we can be trusted with money... and therefore with higher riches too.
If you show people that you are a good m3 they will entrust you with more and
with other riches. It's the same for Parishes, for Dioceses, the World-Church.
Pope Francis has started to give the Church a modern, transparent, honest
Bookkeeping". (We hope the Parish-Finance-Committee will do teh same).
Why did we speak about money? Bc money is important; it's a "human-probation-
field": We have to take over first responsibility of our own money and later of the
money of the world. We all are co-responsible for the Parish-money, for the Namibian-money. Money is not a gift of God. Money is a human invention - and now we are responsible for what money is spent. Also for baptized and confirmed people: money is a "probation-field".

Freitag, 13. September 2013

24 Sun C / 150913 / at the end a feast!

Again: Jesus was quite attractive... sinners were all seeking his company...
Again: the pious pharisees and the learnt scribes are complaining:
     "something is wrong with this Profet JoN" ...   Lk 15.1-32
The complains: He welcomes sinners, he invites them, he cares for them,
                           he has time for them, he has a word for them...
                           it looks like: he is really interested in them...
The answer: Yes! it's true... Jesus is very engaged with sinners... until today ! ?

Lk gives us 3 parables to explain the behaviour of Jesus... to defend him...
to tell us: that Jesus is right (and to tell this to all pastoral-workers of today).
the lost sheep...    the lost drachma...     the lost son...

The reasons for Jesu' behaviour: in his view:  SINNERS ARE LOST PEOPLE.
They have lost a situation, a chance, a fortune... but more exactly: they have lost
"to do the right thing": to build up the Kingdom of God! They have lost: to care for
others; they are selfish. They have lost to know what is good for them and for the common-good; worse: they lost the power to do good!
WHAT SINNERS NEED: a) empathy and mercy; b) somebody who is looking after them; c) they have to be challenged: to make a turn (repentance); d) they have to
get the experience: to be invited into the Community (not to be excluded);
e) sure they need an understandable good exemple; f) maybe they need a training
in doing right...   g) and most of all: they need to know / to see: "as we turn to the right path, there will be great joy" - a special feast!
IF you turn, repent, convert, goes back on the right track...   this is good for you!
for everybody! and most good for the whole Community!

Today: Every Christian Community has surely a strategy to "deliver us (sinners) from evil". Ask your Parish-priest !
If he is to busy with his 99 believers...  if he has lost view and hope for sinners...
if he has no strategy to convert sinners...  if he feels it's too much hard and delicate work..   he needs holiday; a sabbat-year; a pastoral-training a la 2013;
and a modern meditation about "seculare Christianity":
Jesus has shown an alternative.