Freitag, 20. September 2013

25 Sun C : A Christian probation-field.

Luke (16.1-13) reveals us that Jesus sees the money as a probation-field. He says something like: If you are able to manage your money honestly - you are able to be trusted with higher genuine riches. If not - sorry you are lost.
Let's have a look at this interesting "money-probation-field"

1.) What value has money in your life?  Are you able to give money the exact value it deserves? Don't forget: where your heart there is your Life.
A) "I don't tell it to nobody, but I feel money is the highest value in my life:
no money = no life!" what a poor heart. Now money is your god. It's your decision?
B) "Money for me is important". You are a realistic person and as you take it serious: you sure will learn to be a good manager of your money.
C) "Money tells me nothing". Sorry - did you take the vow of poverty?

2.) I hope most of us are in B): We value money as important. Therefore we like
to be somehow rich in money and - why not - we hope everybody may be rich -
not only me. The question insists: How we get rich in money?
- some steal it; a well known method; hoping the other one will not be successful.
- some pray for money; God as world-bank-chief;  money by rain! (a lila dream)
- some share the money; it's quite a realistic and healty method.
- some work for money; it's today the most accepted method - not a bad one.
If you like to get money by working, you need a clever strategy: a clear effective management of money.
Rule 1 of money-management is "bookkeeping". This is prove of your seriousness.
Every confirmation-course includes a bookkeeping-exam! A honest bookkeeping shows you from where how much money is coming and where how much money is going and - how honest you are! (= not cheating yourself).
Rule 2 is therefore: I know my money-situation. And if you really know, accept
Rule 3 "I am the manager of my money!" (m3)
Now we can be trusted with money... and therefore with higher riches too.
If you show people that you are a good m3 they will entrust you with more and
with other riches. It's the same for Parishes, for Dioceses, the World-Church.
Pope Francis has started to give the Church a modern, transparent, honest
Bookkeeping". (We hope the Parish-Finance-Committee will do teh same).
Why did we speak about money? Bc money is important; it's a "human-probation-
field": We have to take over first responsibility of our own money and later of the
money of the world. We all are co-responsible for the Parish-money, for the Namibian-money. Money is not a gift of God. Money is a human invention - and now we are responsible for what money is spent. Also for baptized and confirmed people: money is a "probation-field".

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