Montag, 24. März 2014

the temptation of today / third part

Like Jesus Christ, all Christian people and Institutions are in the situation of the famous temptation and this now since 2000 years...  but the religious hope is:
"deliver us from evil" meaning: not to give in to the temptation.

The RC-World-Church, our Diocese of Windhoek, the Community of St. Anthony
(on the 09.03.14) and many more all over,
a) We have a problem-situation! The FAMILY is in crisis, in trouble, in failure; in our world...not respected any more, undervalued  (it's an view accepted all over!)
b) We have a goal: "a healthy family" (as a gym for life-skills etc...)
c) Which strategy (to achieve our goal) did we execute ? (at least until now)
Temptation I : We ask the Almighty, His Son + His Mother they may solve the problem by using the God-power. We propose like the devil: If you are almighty
please: increase...  grant us ...  teach families...  make them...  help them...  protect your...  grant that...  teach us...  give us...  (look at the Diocesan prayer for the year of the family; 2 pages!)
The NO of Jesus, his resistance to use God's power to solve the problem has disappeared. To open the eyes, to use the God-given hands (and brain), to respect the creation law (education), and to be fascinated by an attractive God's image...
all is forgotten. The RCC has succumbed to the first temptation already...
It's the proposal of Satan to solve the problem by Intervention of the God-power
(supposed the human beings are for nothing good; declared as not able to solve the problem), by cancellation of the natural-creation Law, by attraction of sin...Mt 4 !
and the RCC shows in public the same proposal !

A National Prayer-Day (06.03.2014)
Following the example of the Christian Churches, the secular State of Namibia has done exactly the same.
a) We have a problem....   GBV (gender-based-violence)
b) and like the devil, like the Church, the Secular State proposes: the Power of the Almighty may solve the problem (prayer day / "prayer is the only solution").
c) Is there really no other solution ? Or is "prayer-day" for the Government the cheapest and politically the most effective solution?
d) Following the Constitution and in respect of the Christian Gospel the Secular State has no right in public to call for the Power of the Almighty to solve problems..
the Secular State has to respect the Religion but not to use it! also not to his own favour; also not in favour of the Common Good. We are not a Theocracy.
The Secular State is obliged to find other problem-solving strategies.

Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

the temptation of today / sec. part

The GOSPEL is a joyful message (Evangelii Gaudium). Therefore the Ev Mt. 4.1-11
shows us the struggle of Jesus about HIS rightly fitting strategy.
After baptized by John Jesus has made - in a long desert-retreat - a decision about HIS strategy. The story shows a triple NO in regard of the question HOW to activate, HOW to realize the "Kingdom of God" (fulness of life).
Mt proclaims very clear: Jesus has not given in to the temptation!

Temptation I :
[situation]  We people are really hungry...      HOW to satisfy this hunger ?
The devil proposes: if you are almighty, use your power (change stone into bread).
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / you need the Word of God !

Temptation II :
[situation]  We people are falling...  HOW to rescue us ?
The devil proposes: If you are almighty, suspend the Natural LAW ("Angels" will..)
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / the Creation of God is right (very good).

Temptation III :
[situation]  We people are worshipping: attracted by...   HOW to achieve ?
The devil proposes: If you don't use the almighty power: worship me, the devil:
(problem solving by stealing, lying, whoring, cheating ... at least a little bit.. etc...)
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / stay attracted by God (and his order)

After such a strategical decision Jesus is ready to go to work. To perform a healing life-style: to open the eyes and hands, the mind and the hearts of his people (to empower them to solve their problems), to respect the creation-law (accepting the political, economical religious power-struggle / the cross / the transformation by evolution), attracted by God (as the unifying mystery of humanity).

INTER-dependence - DAY: The State, the Church and Jesus; the natural Law, the Creation-Law and the human Law > to bring into a healthy balance ?
and this in You, in your group, in the society. 

Freitag, 14. März 2014

Transfiguration Mt 17.1-9 2014

As the Jesus-Movement has started: it was a great question: how is the relation
between the over-famous Moses, the controversial Elijah and the Jesus of Nazareth. Three famous PROPHETS transfigured in ONE ?
Today we have a similar question: How is the relation between the State, the Church and JvN ? The PRAYER-DAY 06.03.2014 is a challenge to think about !
At least the STATE, the CHURCH and JESUS have beeen transfigured into
WHAT HAPPEN IN NAMIBIA? the temptation of today (Mt 4.1-11) ? SCANDL?

A) Preface:
Following the Bible I see Jesus (as the prophet of Nazareth) has a SPECIAL GOAL: to proclaim, to implement, to activate, to renew the "KINGDOM of GOD" (the NEW Heaven + NEW Earth): "the fullness of Life for all".
I suppose this Jesus of Nazareth is the animator, the Head of the Christian-Church
Community and so the Churches may hopefully have first and for all the same goal.
But somehow every Baptized has accepted to take over the same goal. We are called in 2014 to activate the fullness of Life for all - also in Namibia.
Everyone who has a goal and takes it seriously is busy to find a fitting STRATEGY.
HOW to impement the goal? HOW to make it a reality? To choose the right strategyis of utmost importance; goal and strategy must be compatible and not a
contradiction. As Christians, we have to discover which strategy Jesus of Nazareth has chosen and as a Church and as Believers we may be ready to take over HIS
strategy. It's a public hope!

In the most famous Jewish-Christian religious prayer "OUR FATHER" we ask:
"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil".  Amen = it may be so!
[religious translation: As we are in the situation of temptation give us the strength not to give in, not to fall on the knees; not to succumb to the temptation]
This sentence draw our attentin to the importance of the strategy as we adhere to the GOAL: Thy kingdom come.
                                                                                               to be continued

Dienstag, 4. März 2014

for YOU: a favourable time - LENTEN-time

In Lenten-time 2014 why not make an exercise:
to become a better AMBASSADOR of the Kingdom of God.

1.You must know: There is INVITATION all the time cf. Joel 2.12-13 
The Holy God ask: "come back to me with all your hearts" (and become my real ambassador; somebody who is performing my will on earth).
a) by fasting: change your unhealty eating / make a good figure
b) by weeping: change your pleasure / enjoyed by love
c) by mourning: change your attachement/ you belong to the living ones
2. "Turn to the Lord" means: you have to know this our God is tenderness,
compassion and rich in graciousness (he is not revenge, envy, punishment, patriarch etc...) at the end: He is a MYSTERY.
3. You must know: God act through his ambassador. 2 Cor 5.20-6.2
"It is as though God were appealing through us..."  If you really turn to this God
you may discover: this God is acting in this World through you.
This is one of the great mysteries of our Christianity that we see God acting through his creation (esp. through his people).
4. The Ambassador for Christ (of the Kingdom of God) goes to the people and performs the task to reconcile to God. The whole Lenten-time, all this fasting, weeping, mourning has one goal: to reconcile people to God.

The background of this ambassador-story is twofold:
a) It is supposed: a lot of people are alienated to God; God is for them strange but more: God is for them "over" (from yesterday). They tell you: I don't need God.
b) it is supposed: believers are convinced God is a reality; the source of Life und a real Salvation. God is the reason of all what is... and the fulfillment (don't forget :
Kingdom of God means "fulness of Life" !)

If you are attached to the Kingdom of God as an ambassador - you have something from Apostle Paulus and you have a good self-consciousness. And you have a task and an obligation (that is good for you). The Baptism has installed you as an ambassador; but now it's time to perform it.
Mt 6.1-6, 16-18 shows you: how to give...  how to pray... how to fast...
and the reward will be: you are a very good Ambassador !