Freitag, 14. März 2014

Transfiguration Mt 17.1-9 2014

As the Jesus-Movement has started: it was a great question: how is the relation
between the over-famous Moses, the controversial Elijah and the Jesus of Nazareth. Three famous PROPHETS transfigured in ONE ?
Today we have a similar question: How is the relation between the State, the Church and JvN ? The PRAYER-DAY 06.03.2014 is a challenge to think about !
At least the STATE, the CHURCH and JESUS have beeen transfigured into
WHAT HAPPEN IN NAMIBIA? the temptation of today (Mt 4.1-11) ? SCANDL?

A) Preface:
Following the Bible I see Jesus (as the prophet of Nazareth) has a SPECIAL GOAL: to proclaim, to implement, to activate, to renew the "KINGDOM of GOD" (the NEW Heaven + NEW Earth): "the fullness of Life for all".
I suppose this Jesus of Nazareth is the animator, the Head of the Christian-Church
Community and so the Churches may hopefully have first and for all the same goal.
But somehow every Baptized has accepted to take over the same goal. We are called in 2014 to activate the fullness of Life for all - also in Namibia.
Everyone who has a goal and takes it seriously is busy to find a fitting STRATEGY.
HOW to impement the goal? HOW to make it a reality? To choose the right strategyis of utmost importance; goal and strategy must be compatible and not a
contradiction. As Christians, we have to discover which strategy Jesus of Nazareth has chosen and as a Church and as Believers we may be ready to take over HIS
strategy. It's a public hope!

In the most famous Jewish-Christian religious prayer "OUR FATHER" we ask:
"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil".  Amen = it may be so!
[religious translation: As we are in the situation of temptation give us the strength not to give in, not to fall on the knees; not to succumb to the temptation]
This sentence draw our attentin to the importance of the strategy as we adhere to the GOAL: Thy kingdom come.
                                                                                               to be continued

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