Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014


Now as we actively are waiting and preparing a new picture of God  - ADVENT -
midst in our activities we are called to the scene Bethlehem - to remember: Jesus von Nazareth was born overthere. The one - born overthere - is today the famous Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is famous because people of his time have started to see in him IMMANUEL (God with us).
Before his time, the believers have known the Great-Jahwe-God, the God of Abraham, of Jacob, of Isaak; the God of Moses, of the Exodus and of the 10 commandments; the God of Israel and the God of the temple of Jerusalem.
He was God of all-high, the allmighty one, God our Father, who are in Heaven !

But now Markus says: in Jesus we see a Son of God, and finally Johannes proclaims (as fast as only 100 years after Jesus was born): In Jesus, we see total unity of God and man - we see HIM as IMMANUEL (God with us).
That sounds totally new. We see God not any more in Heaven but in Jesus. We gaze at him and we discover: in HIM - God became HUMAN. In HIM the Word became flesh, lived among us and we saw his glory; full of grace and truth.

Looking after a new picture of God the Evv guide our view to Jesus, the profet of Nazareth. HE - as a real human, one of us - is now discovered as the human realization of GodThe time of the pictures of God is now over - God became a real man. Once our ears got the call: lift up your hearts - and we directed our hearts towards Heaven! But now - as we hear the call again, our hearts go towards Jesus. Now as Heaven disappeares and the Earth goes by - the Word of God is a human man.

2000 years after Jesus was born in Bethlehem - we still are used to see God in Heaven and we care about many wonderfull picture of God like: Our Father who are in Heaven. We are as Church not able to pray: "God who starts as Immanuel in Jesus" We as Christians like to go finally to God in Heaven - after a good life -
but we don't like to go to Jesus and realize his life as IMMANUEL in our situation.
I feel as Church we celebrate Christmas - but do we understand the message ?

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

A Christmas-Story

Mr. Shikongo was a good Catholic; every Sunday Holy Mass. But he also prayed again and again; calling God for help in all his different difficulties...
and one day he died - as it's normal.
He imagined to walk on the way to Heaven and halfway before the Heaven's gate
St. Peter stopped him and asked: He may show him the ticket. Peter get confused.
There is finally no other way than to explain and to inform Mr. Shikongo:
Sorry - your H on the ticket means not Heaven but Hell. Mr. Shikongo was shocked.
Confused he started to defend himself: Every Sunday I attended Mass and I prayed clear and loud: I believe in God, the Allmighty, the Creator... I believe in Heaven and that God is good and that he is a real Helper...  every day I prayed the "Our-Father" and Im well aware God is in Heaven...  Now St. Peter lost patience and silenced him:
Mr. Shikongo don't you know, that God-Father together with his Son Jesus - already 2000 years ago - has gone to Bethlehem and Nazareth, but also to Jerusalem and later into the whole world; it means also to Namibia. Didn't you get the message that Jesus got this strange name "Immanuel" (God with us) - and as a baptized one,
why didn't you follow HIM ???  Mr. Shikongo - since then the Heaven is empty and God enjoys to live between the people.
Finally Mr. Shikongo was convinced: there is no other way than to turn; to go deep into Metanoia. It's the way to discover "Immanuel".

2 Peter 3.8-14: What we are waiting for is what God promised:
                      the NEW Heavens and NEW earth.

dhiladhila / think about...  As we follow the way of God (Father - Son + Holy Spirit)
                                       through history until today
                                       we discover "IMMANUEL" (God with us)
                                       and - maybe - one day - we may understand better
                                       what is meant by "Immanuel".
It's an exciting message; a new understandning of God (a new picture) and
in realizing it - a new earth is shining up -  Epiphany in Evolution...

I wish you a good ADVENT / wake up / wait actively - in the desert of today
only through people the new picture of God is emerging and therefore a new earth.

Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

A first step... prepare a way !

The first Advent-Sunday (Mk 13.33-37) called upon us: "stay awake" ! it means:
Look out, look for, look after the coming of God. Don't forget: To paint a NEW picture of God (in our mind, in the Church, in public) means to prepare HIS coming in our time. It's the first step...

The second Advent-Sunday (Mk 1.1-8) shows exactly this preparation work.

A) Mk write his Gospel-book "The beginning of the GOOD NEWS" as such a preparation-work for the coming of God. And he writes very clear, that in Jesus Christ, the one Markus is proclaiming, a Son of God, God himself is coming.
This Mk-book ist not a reportage, not a story but a preparation-work for the coming of God into this world: an announcement ! Markus himself is a messenger, he makes with his entire book an announcement; he is a first step ...    But there is more:

B) Mk leads us to Isaiah (40.1-5,9-11) who is also a famous messenger of the old time; and Mk shows us how Isaiah paints a picture of this preparation-work...
the first step: look out for a messenger, hear the voice, be such a messenger,
be a voice...there is always a message, an announcement: "prepare a way for God"
like: make a straight highway across the desert etc...
What a great work: planning and executing a highway in the desert !

C) Mk leads us to the Desert-John; a voice, a messenger, an announcer - 2000
years ago ! who prepares the way...  preparing the way means for him: busy
with a water-baptism (for repentance...), busy with hearing confessions, busy
with convincing all: "A SPIRIT-Baptiser is around / coming soon". The "Desert-John- Movement" has built a highway in the desert of his time. A step further in the coming of God into this world.

D) Today "people of consecrated life" are busy to build this highway in the
desert of the time. They are messenger; they announce by their life-style
the coming of God, by their vows of poverty, of chastity, of obedience. The messengers prepare the way of God coming into this world of today.