Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

A first step... prepare a way !

The first Advent-Sunday (Mk 13.33-37) called upon us: "stay awake" ! it means:
Look out, look for, look after the coming of God. Don't forget: To paint a NEW picture of God (in our mind, in the Church, in public) means to prepare HIS coming in our time. It's the first step...

The second Advent-Sunday (Mk 1.1-8) shows exactly this preparation work.

A) Mk write his Gospel-book "The beginning of the GOOD NEWS" as such a preparation-work for the coming of God. And he writes very clear, that in Jesus Christ, the one Markus is proclaiming, a Son of God, God himself is coming.
This Mk-book ist not a reportage, not a story but a preparation-work for the coming of God into this world: an announcement ! Markus himself is a messenger, he makes with his entire book an announcement; he is a first step ...    But there is more:

B) Mk leads us to Isaiah (40.1-5,9-11) who is also a famous messenger of the old time; and Mk shows us how Isaiah paints a picture of this preparation-work...
the first step: look out for a messenger, hear the voice, be such a messenger,
be a voice...there is always a message, an announcement: "prepare a way for God"
like: make a straight highway across the desert etc...
What a great work: planning and executing a highway in the desert !

C) Mk leads us to the Desert-John; a voice, a messenger, an announcer - 2000
years ago ! who prepares the way...  preparing the way means for him: busy
with a water-baptism (for repentance...), busy with hearing confessions, busy
with convincing all: "A SPIRIT-Baptiser is around / coming soon". The "Desert-John- Movement" has built a highway in the desert of his time. A step further in the coming of God into this world.

D) Today "people of consecrated life" are busy to build this highway in the
desert of the time. They are messenger; they announce by their life-style
the coming of God, by their vows of poverty, of chastity, of obedience. The messengers prepare the way of God coming into this world of today.

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