Samstag, 24. Januar 2015

2015 a CHANCE is given...

This third Sunday B gives first a success-story as a frame for the message of today
Jonah 3.1-5.10 shows the Nineveh-people started to "repent and believe" and oh wonder: God has shown them MERCY.  Such a story is an encouragement !

Paulus (! Cor7.29-31) is also like Jonah on the way to preach the Good NEWS: "repent and believe". But he tells us: it's urgent. We have not all the time at our disposal; because the world AS WE KNOW IT is passing away - as we don't take the chance now, we will be too late. It's like the old "carpe diem" (take the chance or today is the kairos or never, if not now). Tomorrow there will be a world, we do not know - it means we will be unable to bring our message in. All over is changing - but by the moment as the world / the mankind is sure, MONEY is GOD - than our message is not any more understandable. Look at the world, at the Cath. Church, at your self - the time is running - still people are looking around for liberation, fo change... now is our chance to proclaim the Good NEW.; In a new stone-age - our chance is over ! Already today: some people are totally immune against our message; they are unable to take it !
They are convinced Christianity is out, over - useless and of great damage.

Mark (1.14-20) descripes the situation very clear as he gives word to Jesus:
1.) open your eyes and you see: THE TIME HAS COME.
2.) Time for what ?  THE KINGDOM IS NEAR AT HAND.
     Look: Jesus is born (God became man / God is incarnated)
              Jesus gave the right life style (for the survival of the world)
              Jesus as the "Lamb of God" has rescued the world and is now "Bread of
                             Life for the world"
              Jesus opened the way into the fulness of Life.
3. REPENT ( better): turn around ! take on a new thinking !
    The Christian Church has brought this message now for 2000 years ... and we
    have the chance to activate our strength - to realize a real Christian life-style.
    If not now - we are too late, we miss the chance; we will go into a time our 
    message is not understandable; the NEW Heaven + NEW Earth will be only
    an old myth, an old story, only a dream of old - never realized; if not now...

4.) BELIEVE means make a decision! As it is now possibel to participate with the fulness of Life - take the chance and decide: YES, I'm ready to participate.
The fulness of Life is given into our hands...  now shape it !  It's up to you.

Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

The LAMB of GOD / no other way

At Christmas we as Christians have accepted:
JvN is "BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY"  (overthere in Bethlehem)
The word "MARY" shows us: this JvN is totally human (he is one of us...)
The word "VIRGIN" shows us: this JvN is a wonder (he is a favour God made it for us)Later: The Ev John will show us: in JvN we see a high point of the unificationprocess
of God and Mankind. This unification-process - going on since long - get in JvN a new
reality (this is how the four Gospels and the CHURCH see it).

Today John the Baptist stared hard at Jesus and said (John 1.29 + 35):
Look, there is the LAMB of GOD".
We know already (Ex 12 / Lev 16) in the old time an animal (lamb) was sacrificed in
order to protect the family; the blood on the door-step means salvation (LIFE).
The Apostle Peter (1 Petr 1.18-20) saw Jesus as such a LAMB, dying for the sins of the WORLD - SALVATION / LIFE !!! Our REDEMPTION is in the BLOOD.
The Ev John gives to John the Baptist such an insight: This JvN is giving his life
for the salvation of all / of the world.

Here in this proclamation "the LAMB of GOD" is revealed the WAY, the process of the promulgated unification between GOD + MANKIND. The way is:
GIVE YOUR LIFE (blood) - ENGAGE UNTIL DEATH.  (Life-engagement) 

Paulus knows: life-engagement " is just and right"  for God + for Mankind.
In Jesus Christ God has given up his life into KENOSIS and in Jesus Christ
Mankind has given up life on the CROSS.
In JvN as the "LAMB of GOD" - God himself and Mankind have given the blood (life)
to take away the sins of the world ... the dis-unity  - in order to unify !!!
Unifying GOD + MANKIND. Unifying by LIFE-engagement; giving his own (Body and Deity) as bread for the life of the world. [It is important for Christians of today to recognize: in JX - GOD himself (kenosis) + MANKIND (Cross) give up life (blood) as "bread for the Life of the world".]
This is way we have in the Eucharist the courage to proclaim: we accept JX as the LAMB of GOD... as the point, the event, where GOD + MANKIND are "sacrificed" given up in favour of unity.

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

The VOCATION of Jesus of Nazareth.

At Christmas we admire the little Jesus and we are glad, the simple farmworkers get the message. But we, we have still the question (so I hope): "Who is Jesus?" and "For what did he came into this world?" The wise men from the East (guided by a star / not by the Holy Scripture) have in their own way discovered Jesus as - we don't know - a political or a messianic King ? We only know: Until today the jewisch people and the Islam-people have an other vision of Jesus then we. The question remains high: "Who is Jesus v N ? "
And - a very interesting important question - Jesus - how he has discovered himself and his own vocation ?
By the age of 30 he became a disciple of John in the Desert. A well-known decision.
And before ? He was unsure ? looking after ? Searching ? I have a story: As he was
26 of age - a grown-up! - He ask for an interview with God, the Father in Heaven and he got it - asking HIM: What do you think about people ? God answered slowly:
I think first) I have created them as to be good. 2.) I see them as a blessing for each other. 3.) I called them to be free people. 4.) I have decided every one is a beloved one (in his singularity).  After the Interview Jesus was in big trouble. If people are good, a blessing, free, beloved - what is then my vocation, my work in this world ? God answered: Yes, they are basically so - but they do not know how to make it in their real world.
Therefore Jesus has decided to become a teacher of, or more, a trainer of Christian-Life-Style. It means: first he has gone to John in the desert, then he has elaborated his own way... and we know how his life has ended.

Today we are invited to think about our own vocation: we are baptised: declard as good, as a blessing, as free, as beloved - but how to make it in our real world ?
Did we choose JvN as our own Life-Style-Tainer ?

Today we got a story written by Markus 50 years after Jesus Christ. He, Markus helps us to know JvN as baptised, beloved by God and filled by the Holy Spirit.
Latter, Matthew and Lukas will bring more and different views about Jesus. And the Ev John is ready for a real suprise. But we Christian of 2015 - what do we know
about JvN ? More or less than the 4 Gospels ? Do we have a new view of Jesus - a view for our future ? or we only have an old view of yestrday ?

Samstag, 3. Januar 2015

too new for us / for 2015

What Ev Mk told us with a short word "The Gospel of Jesus Christ, a Son of God"
the same message Ev Mt (2.1-12) tells us with a story: "some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east". Ev Lk didn't bring this conviction first - but the Ev John starts with the message directly: The word of God (JvN) and the Jahwe-God are one !

After JvN has died, the Jesus-Movement likes to tell us: look at this Jesus-Life and you will, you have to discover: in HIM, directly in this JvN the famous Jahwe-God became man.  Therefore - it's now a total new time, the time of IMMANUEL.

Epiphany means: it became clear to us; we have dicovered; we believe; we are convinced; we have decided: NOW - since today - GOD is present for us in JvN
and if you take on JvN - God is present in you too. We see a total new kind of God's presence in this world.

If peole ask: where is God ? Epiphany is the Christian answer: HERE and NOW -
in the life of JvN - you will find God; and accepting JvN into your personal life - as Word of God, as Bread of Life - you also will become a the NEW Temple of God

In this regard - a total new message, a new view, a new vision is becoming actual.

Our problem in 2015 is not soo much the new message as such; the problem lies in our incapability, incapacity to grasp the message, to regognize the whole meaning of this new view. ... it' still tooo NEW !!!

Look: we like "God in Heaven"; we like the secured separation between God and mankind.   An example: as we need great help, real help, we are going to ask God in Heaven for HELP - we are not going in the streets to ask for help. Sure,
the most of our people they love God very much...  not so much the neighbour.
etc...   God is somehow our rescue, our salvation, our mercy - not somebody else.
But now - after christmas - we have to change.