Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

The LAMB of GOD / no other way

At Christmas we as Christians have accepted:
JvN is "BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY"  (overthere in Bethlehem)
The word "MARY" shows us: this JvN is totally human (he is one of us...)
The word "VIRGIN" shows us: this JvN is a wonder (he is a favour God made it for us)Later: The Ev John will show us: in JvN we see a high point of the unificationprocess
of God and Mankind. This unification-process - going on since long - get in JvN a new
reality (this is how the four Gospels and the CHURCH see it).

Today John the Baptist stared hard at Jesus and said (John 1.29 + 35):
Look, there is the LAMB of GOD".
We know already (Ex 12 / Lev 16) in the old time an animal (lamb) was sacrificed in
order to protect the family; the blood on the door-step means salvation (LIFE).
The Apostle Peter (1 Petr 1.18-20) saw Jesus as such a LAMB, dying for the sins of the WORLD - SALVATION / LIFE !!! Our REDEMPTION is in the BLOOD.
The Ev John gives to John the Baptist such an insight: This JvN is giving his life
for the salvation of all / of the world.

Here in this proclamation "the LAMB of GOD" is revealed the WAY, the process of the promulgated unification between GOD + MANKIND. The way is:
GIVE YOUR LIFE (blood) - ENGAGE UNTIL DEATH.  (Life-engagement) 

Paulus knows: life-engagement " is just and right"  for God + for Mankind.
In Jesus Christ God has given up his life into KENOSIS and in Jesus Christ
Mankind has given up life on the CROSS.
In JvN as the "LAMB of GOD" - God himself and Mankind have given the blood (life)
to take away the sins of the world ... the dis-unity  - in order to unify !!!
Unifying GOD + MANKIND. Unifying by LIFE-engagement; giving his own (Body and Deity) as bread for the life of the world. [It is important for Christians of today to recognize: in JX - GOD himself (kenosis) + MANKIND (Cross) give up life (blood) as "bread for the Life of the world".]
This is way we have in the Eucharist the courage to proclaim: we accept JX as the LAMB of GOD... as the point, the event, where GOD + MANKIND are "sacrificed" given up in favour of unity.

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