Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015


Since Pentecost we have translated "HOLY SPIRIT" into "the INTENTION of GOD".
Everybody knows the meaning of "intention"; and more: everybody has experiences
about "intention". And people ask again and again: WHAT has been your intention? WHY didn't you reveal your intention?
In history - the intention of God was discovered again and again... but in very different way... until today the intention of God is for many not clear and for many very different. People ask WHAT is the intention of God? for me, for us, for the Church, for the world???
In history - there is - since of old - great fighting about WHAT is the intention of God - and the fighting is ongoing... (also in the Catholic Church!)

We see Jesus as personification / embodiment of the INTENTION of God. And more:
We see - according to the Gospel -: Jesus lived the intention of God. And more again: Jesus has shown us WHAT he sees as the intention of God.
In short, in his view: It's the intention of GOD to be with and in his creation...
to bring the creation into the fulness of Life...  esp. Humanity!
And this - God's intention - Jesus has lived - as a human beeing - in his circum-
stances. But this is not enough; Jesus has given over his view of God's intention to his disciples. It's now the intention of the Jesus-movement to realize, to set on track, to continue, to perform the intention of God (as Jesus has discovered it).
Whoever asks for Baptism (to become a Christian) has decided to see the intention of God in the same kind as Jesus did. Gladly we discover the intention of God - in the kind Jesus did - in many people of today: They like to love, to unite, to reconcile, to make peace, to live fully, to eradiate poverty, to heal... It's tru, the Holy Spirit
is poured out - it means - the intention of God is present and effective.

As we now celebrate TRINITY - we understand:
GOD is LOVE + his INTENTION is love for all and in all + JESUS is the human realization of this love in the earthly situation.
This is a MYSTERY of our faith:
GOD + HIS INTENTION + the RELIZATION are ONE ! There is no God without intention, there is no intention without realization. Therefore CONFIRMATION means: the CHURCH empowers you to perform the intention of God in your situ- uation. And everybody may respect your decision HOW to perform God's intention.

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

READ "The Southern Cross"

I wonder HOW MANY Christians in Namibia read the SC ??? It is supposed that every Priest + Deacon + Sister read the SC as a means of "ongoing formation" !!!
And the Parish-Council? And the Catechist? And the group-leader? And the one,
the Bishop has confirmed as an adult Christian - but not informed!!!
If not - it's a failure (omission). We have to be informed about Catholic life in Southern Africa: How our Church is teaching, acting, doing...
Look at SC 06-12.05.2015 ( and think twice !!!
+ Bishops apply to shift feast-days. Very interesting - and why? and your voice?
a) It's a matter of SACBC to shift Ascension + Assumption to the next Sunday -
nothing for the "Vatican"... we need different solutions in this world!
b) Before shifting ask all Parish-Councils !!! (It is not a dogmatic question).
c) Again: "because we have not enough Priests, we have to shift"... this is the wrong reason. Make more Priests and the problem is solved.
d) Change the "day of obligation" into a "day of encouragement"; problem solved.
e) Don't overload the Sunday; Ascension + Assumption may remain special...
f) Every Parish is clever enough to color the next Sunday accordingly..
+ Fr. N. Rucastle may not bring his believe "getting closer to God by skydiving" to
the Parish - it's faith from of old.
+ The SACBC-foundation has decided to relaunch - because it has failed! And why? Look at the "Board of trustees".
+ The Bible Society will tackle xenophobia by making business.
+ AP G.F.Daniel launches his book "That They May Be One" (Cluster Publications).
Will he sustain Fr. Ron Rolheiser OMI's proposal?
+ Burundi Bishops have the courage to tell the President: "it's time to go".
+ Pope Fancis is against "boring  homilies". His advice: "speak from your heart".
+ Will Fr. N. King SJ - the Winter-Theology-lecturer 2015 - recommend the proposal of Fr. RR/OMI as a means of Christian Unity?
+ "real or not" the Shroud of Turin will speak to you anyway. Und the real meaning?
+ What's your reaction to the "open letter" of Fr. RR/OMI to bishops ?

A lot of information: facts and meaning...   and your commentary and questions ??
Only informed people are able to contribute really to our way...
Or maybe you are not interested in "what's going on" ???

Montag, 4. Mai 2015

on the resurrection way...

Since we know there is resurrection... we are called to see our lifes as
This way is also called way of GRACE, way of JOY, way of the CROSS.

The Sunday-Gospel shows us - again + again - how we master our way.
It means pls: read and listen and discuss and try the Gospel - it's a real nourishment:

John 20.19-31 shows first the presence of the Lord... quite a dynamic style !
Lk 24.35-48 teaches to understand his presence...  opens a new level of reality.
John 10.11-18 explaines his presence as a guiding one...  into the fulness of Life.
John 15.1-8 makes it clear: the resurrection-way is a way of unification; :first,
                                            as a start: unification with Jesus.
John 15.9-17 explaines finally: it's about love.
                      (all what is said about God, Jesus, death + resurrection is said
                       to live love).

Said this - Jesus has to disappear - into the fulness of Life (Mk 16.15-20)
Jt's now very clear: JESUS IS "BEHIND".
What we have at hand is our world and our "one-another" -
and here, on this level - we know - it's about love.
(to make it clear by a strong language: we have to love one another (and not Jesus)
(it's one of the great mistakes: some religious people love Jesus but not humans!)

The way is going on...   To unite GOD + JESUS + US + WORLD - this unification-MYSTERY is explained in John 17.11-19
The real resurrection-way is exactly this unification:
The HOLY-SPIRIT is the unification-wind (John 20.19-23) already given !!!

Such a Christian World-view is not easy to keep today.
We are xposed to so many views, to so many other understandings...
to keep the Christian-view needs a Community, a clarifying one...
people who go together...