Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015


Since Pentecost we have translated "HOLY SPIRIT" into "the INTENTION of GOD".
Everybody knows the meaning of "intention"; and more: everybody has experiences
about "intention". And people ask again and again: WHAT has been your intention? WHY didn't you reveal your intention?
In history - the intention of God was discovered again and again... but in very different way... until today the intention of God is for many not clear and for many very different. People ask WHAT is the intention of God? for me, for us, for the Church, for the world???
In history - there is - since of old - great fighting about WHAT is the intention of God - and the fighting is ongoing... (also in the Catholic Church!)

We see Jesus as personification / embodiment of the INTENTION of God. And more:
We see - according to the Gospel -: Jesus lived the intention of God. And more again: Jesus has shown us WHAT he sees as the intention of God.
In short, in his view: It's the intention of GOD to be with and in his creation...
to bring the creation into the fulness of Life...  esp. Humanity!
And this - God's intention - Jesus has lived - as a human beeing - in his circum-
stances. But this is not enough; Jesus has given over his view of God's intention to his disciples. It's now the intention of the Jesus-movement to realize, to set on track, to continue, to perform the intention of God (as Jesus has discovered it).
Whoever asks for Baptism (to become a Christian) has decided to see the intention of God in the same kind as Jesus did. Gladly we discover the intention of God - in the kind Jesus did - in many people of today: They like to love, to unite, to reconcile, to make peace, to live fully, to eradiate poverty, to heal... It's tru, the Holy Spirit
is poured out - it means - the intention of God is present and effective.

As we now celebrate TRINITY - we understand:
GOD is LOVE + his INTENTION is love for all and in all + JESUS is the human realization of this love in the earthly situation.
This is a MYSTERY of our faith:
GOD + HIS INTENTION + the RELIZATION are ONE ! There is no God without intention, there is no intention without realization. Therefore CONFIRMATION means: the CHURCH empowers you to perform the intention of God in your situ- uation. And everybody may respect your decision HOW to perform God's intention.

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