Freitag, 29. Januar 2016

The World-VIEW of AB Denis Hurley OMI

Southern Africa has celebrated the birthday of AB Denis Hurley; born 09. Nov. 1915
He is ordained as a RCC Priest 1939, as Bishop 1947 and served the Church as AB of Durban 1951 - 1992. He died 13. Febr. 2004
He has given an insight in his world-view with his article in the Southern-Cross 2003.
This article was re-edited in the SC-edition 16-22.12.2015 [cf. SC 21-27.10.15].
We hope some OMI's of today may have the courage to learn something of the AB.

He sees the BIG BANG as the first creative expression of God's presence. And then in the galaxies and stars all over, in our solar-system, in the whole evolution - He sees: "in all this - God is present". He sees God's presence also as the human family began to experience a sense of the divine; and much more is God present in his revelation to Abraham, to Isaiah etc... but then in Jesus...  The AB writes:
"What an extraordinary development this is of the presence of God in the universe,
a presence nourished and intensified by another expression of divine presence - the presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. 

Denis Hurley's Spirituality is marked by his conviction "God is present" (in the creation, in the evolution, in the world of today). This is why he has seen the Church as a "Community serving Humanity"
This VISION: the PARISH as a "Community" - we have lost...  where is the strategy to build up every Parish to become a real effective Community and "serving Humanity" has vanished or has been replaced by: serving the Church or worse: serving God. 
Because God is in charge - there are a lot of surprises...

Ev. Mk  4.1-20
Jesus speaks to the crowd in parables - they did not understand. The Apostles have the courage to ask... Jesus said: Yes; the insiders will get the key of understanding, but
not the outsiders. Mk - what an idea you have put in the thinking of Jesus ???
Since then we have two level in the Church: the level of understanding, symbolized by the Mitra and the level of the ground, symbolized by the Child. The insiders (mitra) claim to govern, and to understand and to judge all. The outsiders are seen as: the have no idea, they have no key, no word; they hear and will not understand...
"The secret of the Kingdom of God is given to you" (the insiders / the mitra).
This is why they claim: "By the power invested in me...  I tell you..."
What about the Baptism, what about Confirmation...  The Holy spirit is poured out...???

Montag, 25. Januar 2016


Holy Mass in Assumption (10.01.16) and in Fatima (17.01.16) has shown me 2016 is like 2015. Like the EARTH circles the SUN - again + again - what a wonderful event - but something new ??? Is there among us a feeling in favour of "A NEW HEAVEN + a NEW EARTH" ? After Christmas - is there hope for?  For our believers, Christianity is 2000 years old, but something NEW ??? Forget it !  too difficult...
As I have gone to Egmbo Nauta + APC-Otshikuku + Egumbo Alupe (07.-09.01.16) and to the APC-Tsumeb (12.-15.01.16) this was my question to all: What is NEW in the NEW Year.

But now after all these "Christmas" - CELEBRATIONS we know Jesus better:
The narrated tales, the story's have revealed a glimpse into the Mystery of Jesus.
The Story: Birth in Bethlehem with the Angels and the Shepherds.
The Story: The circumcision of Jesus in the Temple with the Prophets Simon + Anna.
The Story: The wise men with the gifts and Herodes with the killing of the children.
The Story: The whole family on the run to Egypt.
The Story: Jesus the run-away-boy to the Temple, but not accepted.

The Story: The METANOIA-Baptsim in the Jordan + Certification by the Holy Spirit.
The Story: Jesus in the DESERT: temptation - decision for his own way.

And now after he has found his own LIFE-WORK , his VOCATION... He is ready to proclaim his INTENTION and his STRATEGY..   everybody may know...

Everyone of the 4 Evangelists has his own story: HOW JvN has proclaimed this project.
Mk figures simply: "The Kingdom of God is nearby" / turn around.

Mt figures Jesus in the City of Kapernaum declaring: "The Kingdom of Haven is near."
John says: Jesus has started with a SIGN (Change water into wine).
Lk shows: Jesus in the Temple of Nazareth reads a text of Isaiah saying:

The Spirit of God is given to me, has anointed me, has sent me:
to bring good News to the poor / to bring (proclaim) liberty / to bring (give) a NEW SIGHT
 / to bring freedom / to bring (proclaim) a year of GRACE.
And at the end: Everybody knows this Isaiah-TEXT best! We know all these messages
and promises - nothing NEW... and JvN says: This TEXT-message - it's ME.
Do you have good news for me?  -   Yes!  -   pls tell me  -   It's ME.


Pat attention:   1. Jesus BRINGS...    2. Jesus is personalizing...

Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016

A new picture of the RCC in 2016 ?

A great welcome to all Blog-Visitors in 2016 *******   I wish you all a blessed NEW YEAR 
and you may visit the Blog weekly - as a spiritual profit for YOU.
On the 01.Jan 2016 it was written on the Holy-Mass Plan: St. Anthony 09h Holy Mass Fr. Hans Leu.  At 08h45 I was there and 3 other people. But the church-entrance and the church closed. We wait - at 09h 7 people. We have accepted: today NO "Church".

On the 03.Jan 2016 Kalkfeld 09h: Sakristan + me + 3 guests + 2 people. 09h30 plus 10 people from the Cty. Holy Mass ? Yes. 
On the 05. Jan 2016 in St. Anthony: The MSC-great-feast-day. 09h two ladies make the Holy Vows. Five Fathers and an over-full church accepted the vows. The Sr's promise to live in thoughts, in words, in deeds  POVERTY + OBEDIENCE + CHASTITY.
It's not to understand and if understood it's incredible. Therefore they make a year of consecrated Life. I feel: They should accept to be rich and to share...  to be cooperative...

to be able for a good net of relationships; but they do the contrary.
I propose a "Sunday of dedication" Every person will get the chance to tell the Cty to be dedicated to...   In my case: I'm dedicated to the Church, to the APC's, to the Info/Study
(to know what's going on...), to the WG...

On the 06. Jan 2016, sorry,  we have the same story with the OSB. - vows again.
But I have made a fresh meditation about the Lk-manger-picture (Lk 2.1-21). 

cf. Blog (only in german).
The whole Church admire JvN but better than admire would be to cooperate with the Holy Spirit of Jesus. And don't forget: we should put on the manger 2 modern people: interested in JvN but not able to believe in him.

On the 10. Jan 2016 John the Baptist got a shock. This JvN is the Messiah - not he! He only is a demonstration, a finger showing the right direction. And Lk-Ev shows very clear: That the Jahwe-God has decided: Jesus is the Messiah. Lk has not yet the courage to tell us: we have to decide. Today we carry the consequences. As we follow Jesus Christ we have a Religion (Christianity / Lc 4) where God is not a magician; where God is not in adoration (but in service); where God is no helper against the nature.
And everyone has to find his own cross-way... on the way to resurrection.
Lenten-time comes as an exercise-time starting Ash-Wednesday 10. Febr. 2016