Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016

A new picture of the RCC in 2016 ?

A great welcome to all Blog-Visitors in 2016 *******   I wish you all a blessed NEW YEAR 
and you may visit the Blog weekly - as a spiritual profit for YOU.
On the 01.Jan 2016 it was written on the Holy-Mass Plan: St. Anthony 09h Holy Mass Fr. Hans Leu.  At 08h45 I was there and 3 other people. But the church-entrance and the church closed. We wait - at 09h 7 people. We have accepted: today NO "Church".

On the 03.Jan 2016 Kalkfeld 09h: Sakristan + me + 3 guests + 2 people. 09h30 plus 10 people from the Cty. Holy Mass ? Yes. 
On the 05. Jan 2016 in St. Anthony: The MSC-great-feast-day. 09h two ladies make the Holy Vows. Five Fathers and an over-full church accepted the vows. The Sr's promise to live in thoughts, in words, in deeds  POVERTY + OBEDIENCE + CHASTITY.
It's not to understand and if understood it's incredible. Therefore they make a year of consecrated Life. I feel: They should accept to be rich and to share...  to be cooperative...

to be able for a good net of relationships; but they do the contrary.
I propose a "Sunday of dedication" Every person will get the chance to tell the Cty to be dedicated to...   In my case: I'm dedicated to the Church, to the APC's, to the Info/Study
(to know what's going on...), to the WG...

On the 06. Jan 2016, sorry,  we have the same story with the OSB. - vows again.
But I have made a fresh meditation about the Lk-manger-picture (Lk 2.1-21). 

cf. Blog (only in german).
The whole Church admire JvN but better than admire would be to cooperate with the Holy Spirit of Jesus. And don't forget: we should put on the manger 2 modern people: interested in JvN but not able to believe in him.

On the 10. Jan 2016 John the Baptist got a shock. This JvN is the Messiah - not he! He only is a demonstration, a finger showing the right direction. And Lk-Ev shows very clear: That the Jahwe-God has decided: Jesus is the Messiah. Lk has not yet the courage to tell us: we have to decide. Today we carry the consequences. As we follow Jesus Christ we have a Religion (Christianity / Lc 4) where God is not a magician; where God is not in adoration (but in service); where God is no helper against the nature.
And everyone has to find his own cross-way... on the way to resurrection.
Lenten-time comes as an exercise-time starting Ash-Wednesday 10. Febr. 2016

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