Mittwoch, 27. April 2016


MAY is not only HOLIDAY but also a great FESTIVE SEASON - and for a real FEAST you need a "Community serving Humanity" and a Resurrection with body + mind + soul into a great EVENT...  as a SIGN of Life in Abundance...
The 1. May is dedicated to the WORKERS (since 1955) under the patronage of St. Josef,
the builder of an environment for the growing JvN. And bc in 2016 it's a Sunday, the free-day is delivered on Monday - what is now the gift ? (work or work-free ???)
The 4. May is Cassinga-Day, we honor the engagement of so many Namibian for the political independence - political self-determination.
The 5. May (Thursday) is kept as a Sunday and dedicated to the disappearance of JvN.
The 8. May as Sunday is dedicated to the Mothers. We honor the contribution of women to the real and important Family-Life - all day long. In the Gospel John (17.20-26) tries to show us the consciousness of Jesus about his unity with God and the believers. We see the Mother's love for their children as an fragmented expression of God's redeeming love.
The 12. May (Thursday) we see Mary, the Mother of JvN as "MOTHER of MERCY". The best explication of MERCY is the WOMB of a woman. GOD + KOSMOS + NATURE + FAMILY are - at it's best - WOMB. Womb is the creative environment: let's RECEIVE;
you get a SHAPE... let you GO...  and GOES with YOU...The 14. May shows us the Apostle Matthias (Acts 1.15-26) the one who replaces Judas;
not an easy task...   replacement is a risk...
The 15. May 2016: The Feast Catholic people don't believe... it's too much! "The Spirit of God fills the whole world" or: "The love of God has been poured out into our hearts by his Spirit living in us" - and nobody believe such a reality...  blind we cry: pls send your Spirit...
and we don't see the Spirit given into HEART + MIND + EARs + EYEs + HANDs.
The 21. May: the OMI's celebrate Eugene de Mazenod and some will promise to realize
his Charisma in our time... we hope with some success...

The 22. May Sunday is a call to discover the MYSTERY of God's Trinity...  The creative Father, the redeeming Son and the dynamic relationship between Creation and Redemption
The 25. May as "Africa-Day" shows us the famous black Continent as emerging into the World-theater - a great ongoing struggle.
The 29. May (Sunday) draws our mind into the MYSTERY of the Last-Supper.We demonstrate for the "life-giving-bread" - the definition of a human person...
The 31. May (Thursday) shows the visit of Mary by Elizabeth as inspiring Event... Mary starts to sing... a song never heart before

Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

engaged with Art's-education...

On the way into fullness of Life our engagement is critical, vital.. as a Priest, I work for the CHURCH... but not only administering Sacraments. I'm also an Educator (spiritual Tour-Guide) and as such: I'm convinced: "education by Arts is the Art of education." There is no better way of human education as by Arts!  Catechesis and Confirmation-course should be "Arts-education - education by Arts" !!! and therefore I'm still strongly engaged in "Arts-education"  (beyond the CHURCH !!!) - and this as SUPERVISOR of the "Arts-Per- formance-Centers" (Otshikuku und Tsumeb) and as Scty.gen of the NAPeCAs-Board. 
As I show you the NAPeCAs-Activity-Report 2015 - you see how a Priest is working in public - contributing to the Namibian-Culture - because as CHURCH we are engaged for a better World - a better Life - Life to the full (John 10.10).

Dear APC-Fan's; the Scty Hs. Leu shows you the Board- and the APC's Reports as ONE
NAPeCAs-Activity-Report 2015 - shortened - but if you are very interested, we send you every Report single by e-mail... or you visit us. APC-Life is interesting, effective, challenging, successful and -
by sponsoring - our Fan's have decided: APC goes on... und you see: effectively !!!

A) The BOARD (Cp Mrs. Diina Muatunga) with 5 sessions and the 9th AGA cares well: but is slowly in finding NAMIBIAN-money. He has installed a new CM for APC-Otshikuku, but not realized our building-programme 0039 + 1512. The Strategical Workshop and the Swakop-Musik-week a great success. The Board works honorary and has 27 people under employment-contract and 5 as trainees.

B) APC-Tsumeb (Lis Hidber) has a lot of internal (27) and external (10) Concerts; a lot of Volunteers  (from CH, A, BRD), a lot of Visitors (CH, FR, A, BRD, RSA etc...), a march against GBV and a march for family-health, a Regional Talent-Show, a tourism-expo, two Workshops for ongoing-formation and again an new Scty. Registered are 430 pts and 152 have made exam, a new grade. PPME get famous (Rauna Shifidi) and VisArts is a new hope (Richrdlee Shoombe). And the APC-Garden is a bijou.

C) APC-Otshikuku lost the CM and has a new Scty (Johanna Anghuwo); 6 internal and 4 external Concerts; per Term ca. 150 pts are registered but only 36 made exam; no maintenance-week - sorry ! 8 Teachers are well engaged to keep the APC nice and running - but more could be done.

D) The MIRW (Mr. Gideon Hamaseb) is helping a lot in repairing Instruments and in main-
tenance, constructing sun-ovens and managing the Melser-Waterprojekt. MIRW is as Music-Instrument-Workshop unique in Namibia.

E) The Sponsors: Omicron, Curau AG, Parishes and friends of Hs. Leu + Lis  keep the APC's running. A new Sponsor-Association in CH is now: Verein Freundeskreis APC's in Namibia" (VFAPCN) IBAN: CH 42 0078 5001 4004 3024 9 by the UKB Altdorf, Uri. We are very grateful to the Sponsors for their perseverance...  10 or 20 years how great...

F) Our Blogs: We recommend the APC's Fan to visit weekly: and (and an add for spiritual people: www.vic-hs-leu. (deutsch) or (English).
Official website:

Z) Still in the pockets: Diploma for our Arts-Teachers; Namibian-money; Government-Grant; Marimba business; Building of teacher-houses, VisArts ex
hibition; New Scty.gen !

But: Many thanks for your Interest, Engagement + for your Donation
in the name of the Board 12.03.2016                                          Scty.gen Hs. Leu

pls tell the story of APC's in your Life-World and care for Arts-education !

Samstag, 16. April 2016

the WAY into fullness of Life...

Today (Sun 17.04.2016) we see (following Acts 13) how interesting and full of tension is Paul's missionary Life. Paul opened the message of JvN for the pagans; in reality for the whole world and we are still busy in 2016 to open this message of JX for all cultures...
a work without end. How much are we able to open Jesu's message for the Namibian Cultures? The European-Style is still dominating...  but more important: How do we open the Jesus-message for the 4. industrial revolution, for the new Culture now on the way... ???

Paulus has the feeling everybody should think him- / herself as worthy of the fullness of Life... and for the fullness of Life intuition, knowledge and belief is of value... but narrow-minded people will expel you...

Today John sees (Apoc 7) the goal of all missionary work: a huge number of people from all over the world, from all Cultures.... nothing will plague them any more and they are led by JX to springs of living water and the Mystery of God will wipe away all tears from their eyes;
one day: all full of joy...

Today - John 10.27-30 - Jesus gives a promise: the one listening to his message will get fullness of life. This is said more clear now: the aim of all missionary Work is to open the people of the world, to open all Cultures for the offer... for the given fullness of Life. 

But now we have two surprises:
A) The Mystery of God leads people to Jesus Christ (old language: the Father gave them to me). It means: whoever takes the Mystery of God very serious - is going on the way to Jesus Christ, is going in the direction of an open Christianity.

B) The sec. surprise is yet too high to understand in 2016... it's the statement of JvN:
"The Mystery of God and I are one". It's like you see Heaven and Earth as one; it's like you see the Creator and the Creation as one; it's like you see Mankind and God as one.
We have to meditate which kind of oneness is in Jesus' mind. 

This Sunday shows us that human life can be seen as a way, a going into the fullness of Life - every day - step by step - it's the resurrection way.

Freitag, 8. April 2016

INVITATION "see you again"

In our time - it's evident - Religion is in our world now a "Consciousness-Icon" (CI).
It's a power-factor and you better take it into consideration. One Religion - Christianity -
has gone into trouble; it means: it will experience a hard change - to be ready or at least to be open for the future.
I myself studied Theology in Chur (CH) and in Milano (Italy); but - and this is remarkable -
in the years of the Sec. Vatc. Council: 1960 - 62 - 65 - 1966. We got our ordination - the first out of the Cathedral since many many years - in my Home-Village Altdorf-Uri on the 19.March 66 (Baumann Franz + / Burch Res * / Leu Hans * / Mathis Walter * / Suter Josef +)
I got my first assignment as Vicar in the Parish Gut-Hirt in the City of Zuerich 1966-1969; the sec.ass as Vicar in St. Felix + Regula 1969-71; the third ass as Ass. Priest in Kloten ZH
1972-76; in this time I've made the Mater in Psychology at the UNI of Zuerich. 1976-1978
lecturer in Psychology of Religion and 1978-1986 National Chaplain of the Cath. Youth Organization in CH. Since 1988 I work in Namibia (staying 1988-1992 in Tsumeb; 1993-1999 in RCM-Otshikuku; 2000-2008 in Pastoral-Center in Otjiwarongo). Since my retirement

 I'm working as Ass. Priest and as Supervisor + Scty.gen of the Namibian-Arts-Performance -Centers.
After I've decided to go public with my Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of our ordination - and I prefer to go to the Communities - I'm now busy with the preparation>
The newest plan (05.04.2016) looks like:
Celebration in St. ANTHONY 17.04. / in APC-Tsumeb 24.04 / in ZH Gut_Hirt 04.-05.05. /
in St. MARTIN Altdorf-Uri 07.-08.05. / in Christ-Koenig Kloten 14.-15.05. / am Leuentag
21.-22.05. / in Osire 29.05. / in Fatima-Otjiwa 12.06. / In St. Francis Tsumeb 19.06. / in Okakarara 26.06. / in Kalkfeld 10.07. / in Assumption 24.07. /
But these are only plans - we shall see how is the reality.
The Communities are going to be ready for a Thangsgiving-Celebration, for a cultural event and for a Invitation. The ordination has opened for me a special way to encounter people and to get a lot of wonderful events. It's a river of GRACE... and I know I was for many a side-river of GRACE too...
Many people asked me - how did you get it? It was a logical team-decision: I was inter- ested in people's life and I've discovered that the soul is as important as the body - and it's quite an interesting "job" to distribute GRACE... (at least to the ones who are open for ...). Today I see the Priest as a "Spiritual Tour-Guide, as an "Administrator of the Sacraments" and as a "Parish-Leader". Maybe he is able to perform it as a Team-Work.

Freitag, 1. April 2016

The BODY of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ...

On our Easter-Celebration (on the 27.03.2016 I was in Fatima / Otjiwa - under the tree) we have renewed our Baptism-Decision. Maybe without any difficulties, because we are believers... we are not Thomas    [ !!! / ??? ]  Thomas is like Maria of Magdala, like the disciples on the way to Emmaus... all they are eager to see, to touch "the BODY of Jesus who is the Christ". On the other side: Jesus himself is ready to show his wounded Body - and the seeing Apostles were glad - and Thomas - after seeing the wounded Body too - became a believer like the other Apostles.
Today - as the Priest asks: "do you believe in Jesus Christ?" - nobody in the church refuses to believe with the argument: "unless I touch the wounded Body" It looks like: we are able to believe without seeing, touching...

That's a modern terrible error...   and this error has two faces:
A) The old famous error goes so: We think: Jesus lives now somewhere in Heaven, far away, beyond the sky...   from there He is the redeemer, the Son of God, the King of the World and He - from time to time - decides to act...
B) The new famous error goes so: We think: Jesus is in my Heart, very deep; the believer is meditating him, speaks to him etc...  and Jesus is somehow listening, maybe - in good condition - he becomes active...
Mr. A + Ms. B have somehow contact with Jesus, the risen Lord (in Heaven or in the Heart) but they don't need the Body of Christ"; more: they don't miss the Body. Such a "Jesus without Body" is a good imagination; not a real Reality.

Following Ev John 20 the risen Lord Jesus came to show his wounded Body! Without showing and seeing the wounded Body - there is no believe. All the Apostles like Thomas and all the disciples start to believe after they have seen Him - and that means: the BODY. Therefore it's clear: first to see the Body... then get the Holy Spirit... then you start to believe.

Today I have the same question like Maria of Magdala: "Where is the Body of Jesus Christ?" Sure not in the tomb, not among the dead...   but where? We need this wounded Body of Jesus Christ today urgently, more than ever...

For a Easter-Meditation: "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" may be the same as:
"I believe in Jesus Christ". Your "Christian Community" (in case you have one / you live one) is for today "the wounded Body of Jesus Christ" and after you have seen, touche "your Community" you may start to believe in your Community - it means in Jesus Christ.