Freitag, 27. Januar 2017

blessed + happy

blessed / green + happy / yellow

Welcome dear Visitors to our spiritual Tour into more Life. You had the courage to jump into 2017. We still have January, the month better known as "exitus"; it's an EXIT into the desert or into the forest ???  NO !  It's an EXIT into a NEW Year (named 2017).
The first picture told us to widen our view for what will be NEW in 2017; the second picture shows us we are on a passage and the third picture calls us: it's time!
Now as we celebrate in the Church the 4. Sun A (29.01.2017), we discover, the famous JoN (Jesus of Nazareth) make his Hill-Declaration (Mt 5.1-12 / Berg-Predigt).
JoN is eager to make people happy. Happiness is a better part of Life and every Christian is called to be happy, to become happy again and to make people happy too. For some pious Christians it's strange to make propaganda for happiness, to make special Action in favour of happiness. But this is Jesus Christ... He came to show the way into fullness of Life and to empower us to go this way.
As sure as JoN calls us into happiness, as sure it's difficult to understand his language. The great Q (question) "What is happiness?" comes up. One translation says: blessed are those who...  Is this now the same: blessed = happy  /  happy = blessed  ???
In my opinion: NO ! Blessed is everybody, no doubt. You got the gift of Life...  you got the world at your disposal...  you got a lot of people around you...  it's clear: YOU are blessed !
But to become "happy" is more ! You have to realise all what is given to you, you have to struggle.... and to take your given Life into your own hands and much more...  and so the possibility to become happy is greater than ever before...
Because you are blessed I wish you to become happy and to tell the people what makes you so happy....see you again         Vic. Hans Leu

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2017

Every day: "lift up your hearts"

On our WAY of life - there are feasts - but mostly it's "ordinary time"! Jesus is now in the
City of Capernaum (Mt 4.12-23). It's promising: "a light has dawned".  It means he has started to preach, to create signs - it's ordinary time. What a message !
Kept in one Word his message is a call "META-NOIA" pls translation:
                            Go behind the normal thinking and deepen and widen and highten,                                 "lift up" your mind and heart and soul.Now as you turn your thinking, as you lift up your heart, as you lighten your soul
you will discover: "the Kingdom of God is close at hand".  pls translation again:
                             The fullness of Life is now a possibility; it's now possible to enter                                  more and more  into the fullness of Life.
On Monday (16.01.2017) Mk 2.18-22 told us already the same: The "bridegroom" is
now with them
, nearby; there is joy (not fasting); the fullness of Life is at hand. 

And the Church tells us again and again: "the Lord " the bridegroom" be with you."
(close at hand = it's possible to embody him; to activate him).

Now we have discovered: 
NEW message! =  a total NEW Wine:  God is not over-there, not impossible, not far away, not dead, not unreachable...  but close at hand.
This is the "terrible holy" NEW message: God is present. That's the NEW Wine.
Thanks for the new wine...  but you believe it ??? or are you old wine-skins???
The NEW wine is now given - we need NEW Wine-skins - a hard work for 2017:
to change ourselves into new, fresh wine-skins.
People make up your mind and know: "new wine, fresh skins"  (A Slogan for 2017).

Sonntag, 15. Januar 2017

Passage: from shore to shore / over the Hill !

The 2016 is over - the 2017 has arrived - and we have mastered a passage - as we have performed sooo many already in our life. Going from day to day is also a passage, a vow is also a passage like the Baptism, like Confirmation, like Birth and Death...
Every PASSAGE is more than important - as we look deeper - quite an interesting process:

A) We look back into the PAST - and 2016 is for us now PAST. The question arises:
what are we going to do with this PAST (and all what happened in it) ?
a) we keep the past as past - it's over !!!
b) we choose, what from the PAST we like to keep as a reality in 2017, as a great value.
c) we accept what we cannot change - some realities go on anyway in 2017
It may be good to remind us: We are not the founder of our life but surely the manager.

B) Looking forwards into 2017  - What are we going to do  with this chance?
Plans, wishes, desires arise - to decide is an ART.

C) A PASSAGE is like a Bridge-Hill in Namibia or a shipping from shore to shore.

I propose a Bridge-Hill-Meditation:
In the past 2016 we have celebrated as Cath. Christians the Year of Mercy. The Church told us again and again "God is MERCY". But this means very clear: MERCY is poured out.

Poured out into the whole Creation (since the start of the Cosmos). And this is in our eyes a FACT, not a dream. Therefore we have the chance to make a passage: From our "Lord have Mercy" ( we asks for...) to our "God has given Mercy" (is already poured out). A very difficult passage! Is it possible to take "Mercy is poured out"  a REALITY in 2017 ???
If YES - it's up to us to embody the already given Mercy as Jesus has done in his life.
It means: we don't ask for God's Mercy anymore; we take it as given and bring it where ever we get the chance.

God is like the sun - one sun-ray we call Mercy and are grateful for...

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

Welcome to 2017

We have started the New Year 2017 and I wish for all of you the Freedom to accept the GRACE of God and the courage to embody HIS refreshing SPIRIT (The Spirit of Love and Mercy, of Unity and Freedom etc...)
After a long waiting (Advent)  we have got the message the GRACE of God is now born as a human Person to enlighten the World. He is named JvN or Emmanuel (Gott with us).
The message is verified and we celebrate the FACT JvN really is born.

The Ev Mt (writing his Gospel 50 years after JvN has fulfilled his life) presents now a next picture of JvN. But JvN is now embodied in the Jesus-Movement. The high Cultures of the world presents him Gold, Incense and Myrrh - they recognise HIM ( the Jesus Movement). But the King Herod of Israel has discovered this JvN is a danger, a changer, a challenge and he started to persecute him. It's clear JvN ( the Jesus Movement) became a corner-stone.
In 2017 it will be the same. For us: let's discover HIM / the Jesus Movement ...
With my best wishes for your New Year                         Vic. Hans Leu