Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

Welcome to 2017

We have started the New Year 2017 and I wish for all of you the Freedom to accept the GRACE of God and the courage to embody HIS refreshing SPIRIT (The Spirit of Love and Mercy, of Unity and Freedom etc...)
After a long waiting (Advent)  we have got the message the GRACE of God is now born as a human Person to enlighten the World. He is named JvN or Emmanuel (Gott with us).
The message is verified and we celebrate the FACT JvN really is born.

The Ev Mt (writing his Gospel 50 years after JvN has fulfilled his life) presents now a next picture of JvN. But JvN is now embodied in the Jesus-Movement. The high Cultures of the world presents him Gold, Incense and Myrrh - they recognise HIM ( the Jesus Movement). But the King Herod of Israel has discovered this JvN is a danger, a changer, a challenge and he started to persecute him. It's clear JvN ( the Jesus Movement) became a corner-stone.
In 2017 it will be the same. For us: let's discover HIM / the Jesus Movement ...
With my best wishes for your New Year                         Vic. Hans Leu                           

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