Samstag, 25. Februar 2017

God cares HIS way...

Soo many people feel + cry + accuse: "the Lord-God has forgotten me" (Is 49.14-15).
But the Lord-God is promising by HIS song: "Like a women / never forget her baby
at the breast
 / I never will forget you".
Your feelings and "the promise of the Lord-God" are contradictions. And now ? It's up to
you to make a decision (bc. life is the chain of your decisions). You stand to your feelings
or you take the promise of the Lord-God as your reality.

1.Cor 4.1-5 / That is the mystery of God: Not to forget you  ...   to know you ...  to care
you... /  But - you have to accept - the Lord-God has a way  (to care for you) you will
not understand. Your brain is too small, your heart is too weak. HIS way is the INCARNATION - way ! This is exactly what the Psalm 61 did not know. He is one of the Religious of the old time. "God alone!" No earth, no person, no community ...  all is for nothing: just take God alone!  
[This Psalm should be cancelled in every public 
Sunday-Mass !!!]

Mt 6.24-34  Here again: it's up to you to make a decision. Consider: Life is given to you,
the earth and the cosmos is given to you. The place in humanity is given to you...
You are best cared of.  Pls accept it: You are a butterfly, a flower, a bird ...
John Milton has it  "Grace was in all her steps / heaven in her eyes /
                                in every gesture / dignity and love".

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017

A suggestion: STARDUST

                                          Cosmic game...

Everybody knows the earth and the human being is grounded in Star-Dust. 
It consists of inter-stellar (not inter-planetary) small bits of dust, called "cosmic particles" of huge organic molecules (aromates). They are of firm matter solidified from the gasses of sun and planets. For the first time such inter-stellar stardust has been successfully collected from Comet-Wild-2 by NASA on the 22.04.1999 about 240 km distant from the planet earth.
Stardust has to be seen as a prime physical component of matter from which we all stem.

The human being is now seen as "cosmic dust radiated into consciousness, developing his conscious self in time and space, losing himself in love and play, in work and sorrow... like a star" sparkle, a representative of what being human means."

Now as we go to prepare the Ash-Wednesday - we may adopt the new word:
      "Remember, from stardust you came, into stardust you return."

It's like "lift up your hearts",
a call not only to look into the earth down but also to look into the earth above.

It's like to open mind + heart into the cosmos
and give the feeling we belong to this cosmos too.

It's like to unite a little bit the knowledge of natural science
and the language of liturgy.
It's like to discover death as a way back - 

not into darkness but into the ski-light.
We hope some of the courages priests will have the joy to get the new experience.

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

long - term - wonder

                                            Das Wunder-Work needs time

Mk (8.22-26) brings a strange wonder-story:
a) Not the blind man himself, but the people, who brought the man, begged Jesus to touch him. Maybe the blind man didn't know Jesus at all.
b) It seems Jesus accepted the request. But Jesus had time - guided him outside the village. Why ? Is Bethsaida not worthy to see wonders happen ? Or is it like Nazareth - where people know Jesus too well ?
c) Try 01: putting spittle on his eyes; laying hand on him - but...  to no avail; Jesus accept ...
the expected wonder didn't happen.
d) Jesus is curious and not sure... He likes to be assured, he asks "how are you?
e) At least...  the man begins to see...   but o shock! His seeing is totally unlogic: somehow people but looking like trees - but walking (pls: trees don't walk). Is the man cracy ?
f) Try 02: hands on the man again...   (don't give up!)
g) Success in full: the once blind man saw clearly, was cured...
and could see everything ! plainly ! distinctly !

What we discovered:
1. A wonder is not only a lightning-event, a wonder may be a long lasting process...
2. A wonder has in every case a "touching" a faith-relationship between the actors.
3. Everybody has the chance to ask a Jesus-Christ-spirited Person to perform a wonder...
but take into account: the "wonder" may be performed in steps or in a winding way.
Thanks you Markus to give us an insight into the working of wonders.

Samstag, 11. Februar 2017

Sunday of decision

The power of decision

Ecc 15.15-20 likes yo invite us to have the courage to make a decision:
                    fire or water ?       life or death ?
Paulus (1 Cor 2.6-10) gives a great motivation for our decision.
He (and we) have a WISDOM to offer beyond the mind of man...
Today it's more than clear, there are many things eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear,
the mind cannot grasp.

It seems Paulus has in mind: it's real WISDOM to know: God is given to our Glorification.
Mt 5.15-37 shows clear: Once You have learnt...  But now I say...   that's the room for decision.
Now as Jesus came and became the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, there is all over a "But I say this to you".
It means JX is going further, he overcomes the old saying.
For HIM there is a new time with a new saying.
It's a development into a new understanding of human life.  [a new heaven + a new earth].

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2017

Sunday FIRST

                                            PROTEST:  Sunday FIRST  !!!

Did you discover or did you sleep ? Open your eyes and see... Some Calendars for 2017
are misleading the World.. they say: "Monday first" ! It means: The human being is a work-animal, a "homo economicus" - only through hard work you will become "somebody"...
All this is terribly wrong... "SHAPUKA UUNENE"  That's a CRIME....

We say: "SUNDAY FIRST"  it means: Sunday is the day of God of Life.
                                                                             the first day of creation
                the day of Feast and Liberation /
                             of Community + Relation /
                             of Dance and Acclamation /
                             of meditation and recreation /
                             of revelation and of silence...
and this is a World-Heritage (UNESCO should protect it....)

Therefore we declare a PROTEST to the attention of the "Southern Cross" (SC)
(a well known weekly magazin from RSA).

We are proud to have "Southern Cross in Southern Africa for information _ formation + meditation --- all in an open Christian perspective.
Please consider: We as Christian know best: "Sunday" is the first day of the week.
We start Sunday with the resurrection (a new life) and we get Community, the Word, the Bread, the Task, the Blessing for the week - we are on the way...
Second: therefore we work now "up and dawn" 5 days...
Third: We respect Saturday as "free for whatever..."

It's a tragedy: the SC has on it's "Saints Calendar 2017" put the Sunday as day 7
(the end of the week). This is why I go to Cenored (Electricity at work - a STATE enterprise) and ask for the Calendar 2017. They have the wisdom and the courage to put Sunday FIRST ! We as Christians are not dictated by the world-economy...  we have a great message; "Sunday FIRST" and we are ready to show this to the World.

Please change your Calendar and take it up to offer the World the CHRISTIAN message.
Thanks a lot...

I hope all Blog-Visitors will open their eyes to see what's going on...

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

Re - Presentation of Jesus Christ

Ailly + Moni + Vic. Hans re-present NAPeCAs in VFAPCN (Zuerich / CH  2016)
We have in the RCC an interesting Feast (2.February): Presentation of the Lord Jesus to the Lord-God (Lk 2.22-40: it's not a Report but an Interpretation). In the Tempel in Jerusalem Mary + Joseph have done what the LAW requires. Nothing special. Lukas is interested in something else. HOW people react as Jesus is presented.
A) the man Simeon reveals to see: Jesus is Salvation.
B) the old woman Anna becomes a messenger.

Today 2017 there is the problem of RE - Presentation in an quite different situation: Jesus of Nazareth has died and he is now the Risen-Jesus-Christ. The RJC is somehow personified / embodied (re-presented)
a) by all baptised people; many millions...  many cultures...
b) by all Christian Communities (Parishes etc...   Otshikuku, Rom, Moskau etc...)
c) by all the Sacraments...   esp. the Eucharist...  
And the great Q (question): Which kind of Jesus (the RJC) are they able and willing
to RE-present in the World of Today ???

Look around, open your eyes and you discover the real A (answer):
Look at people who are baptised...
Look at the Community (Parish) you are involved in ...
Look at the Sacraments you perform...

And you will be surprised about the RE-Presentation of the RJC in Namibia 2017 !!!