Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

Re - Presentation of Jesus Christ

Ailly + Moni + Vic. Hans re-present NAPeCAs in VFAPCN (Zuerich / CH  2016)
We have in the RCC an interesting Feast (2.February): Presentation of the Lord Jesus to the Lord-God (Lk 2.22-40: it's not a Report but an Interpretation). In the Tempel in Jerusalem Mary + Joseph have done what the LAW requires. Nothing special. Lukas is interested in something else. HOW people react as Jesus is presented.
A) the man Simeon reveals to see: Jesus is Salvation.
B) the old woman Anna becomes a messenger.

Today 2017 there is the problem of RE - Presentation in an quite different situation: Jesus of Nazareth has died and he is now the Risen-Jesus-Christ. The RJC is somehow personified / embodied (re-presented)
a) by all baptised people; many millions...  many cultures...
b) by all Christian Communities (Parishes etc...   Otshikuku, Rom, Moskau etc...)
c) by all the Sacraments...   esp. the Eucharist...  
And the great Q (question): Which kind of Jesus (the RJC) are they able and willing
to RE-present in the World of Today ???

Look around, open your eyes and you discover the real A (answer):
Look at people who are baptised...
Look at the Community (Parish) you are involved in ...
Look at the Sacraments you perform...

And you will be surprised about the RE-Presentation of the RJC in Namibia 2017 !!!

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