Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2017

                                         The broken Bread as food for new life.

As we go to Church -to the Holy Mass - at one moment the Priest shows us the host and he goes on to break the bread and then he says: "look at the broken bread (we have decided) it's the Body of Christ, given into our hands". Our conviction and the "frame of act"  leads us to see "the broken bread" as the "Body of Christ" (named Sacrament).
The "Body of Christ" is offered to all of us and some are willing to receive the "Body of Christ" into their hand. The "Body of Christ" is also well known as "the Bread for the Life of the World" (but only if "given into our hands").
There is an offer and there is a reception and it is supposed, what is offered is received (the identity of what is given and what is received / the giver and the receptionist have the same view  or the event, of the object at hand).
But for today (Corpus Christi -Day) it's animating (and somehow important) to meditate
what is at stake (but this meditation is not easy).

The Body (we speak about) is broken (like the bread). Sure it is broken in order to share it - but in every case: a broken body is dead. We have in mind and we speak about the dead-broken Body of Jesus Christ. We take it for granted: His atomic, mental, social and spiritual Ego has disappeared, has given up to keep together all his events as part of an own personality. The soul (as the total summary of all personal events) is un-bodied (has lost
the embodiment). The Person as composed by atoms, by mental sparks, by social relations and by spiritual lightnings has been forced to break, to give up his hold-together-work on the level of his human epiphany - it remains a broken body (you are dust and ...).

As we look back at the broken-dead body, we realise: past is his temporal Ego-life (He was once the man Jesus of Nazareth, called the Prophet; the one, who's life-story we know as written down by the 4 Gospels). But as his future (in the view of today as we look at the dead-broken body) we see a history of his effectiveness (Christianity since the Apostle Paul until today).  The temporal Body-Life of once in time, but now broken-dead, is seen as a source of new Events. How is this possible ?

Every temporal human Ego-Body-Life is an offer. If the body is broken, the keep-together Ego has disappeared; the effectiveness of the once known Ego is reduced, in danger, because the clarifying epiphany (the deeds) is no more. JvN and today the Priest are eager tho tell us: take and eat, take and drink. They understand the Body (
with all his events stored in it) as a seed, as food...  on the way into the fullness of Life for all.

The offer in order to get into effectiveness depends on an receptionist. He may accept the narrated story of the late Ego. He may compose a new picture of all the given memories. This is deference, reverence.
But in the Church - for the Church and for her message to be clearly effective into the future - this is not enough. The Receptionist is asked to do more!
a) He'She has to take the Body and all what is stored in it (symbolised in the broken Bread)
in his/her hand and to give him a resurrection - it means - a new temporal Ego-Body, a new bodily epiphany of all he was representing once, an embodiment. The implication is to give him (to the late Ego) the own body as a possibility of a new bodily existence for him (you in me and I in you! Identity exchange).
b) As she/he takes the broken body in her/his hand, she/he takes up the constructive responsibility of all his events (words and deeds) he has once performed.
c) The receptionist is not alone. Together with all who receive the "Body of Christ", all the receptionists are called to form a special corporation, to unite into a social Body.

What once has disappeared (JvN) may be rescued by an "alter Ego", who accepts the famous offer and gives as a receptionist to the late Ego new time and space, now bodily power, an embodiment to go on with his message at once and let come up all what once has happened in his life.
The receptionist is the Artist, who gives the once-Person an effective new epiphany of
the once declared intention. This Art-Work is an ongoing redemption-process. This is why the receiver says: AMEN to the broken body (accepting his deaf) in order to give him a new bodily epiphany, embodiment.
In this Church-Event we recognise the power of the Holy Spirit to change a normal event
(a person) into a spiritual Reality-Event - into the resurrection of Jesus Christ - until today the "Bread for the Life of the World".

Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

Trinity - Mystery

epiphany - content - value (EpCoVa)yesterday - today -tomorrow (yetotow)

After the Holy Spirit is poured out - we may be curious what happen with our VIEW.
Our VIEW since ever has 3 dimensions: What we perceive has 1.) epiphany
2.) content 3.) value (EpCoVa). I have discovered we people have a world view
(EpCoVa)...  that's fine;  but the lion, the bird, the fish - which kind of world-view will they have ? And my friend - his world-view (EpCoVa) may be very different from mine ?

And the Sudducees as well as the Pharisees they have not only a own world-view (EpCoVa)
the have also a heaven-view (EpCoVa) And - what a surprise - Jesus is convinced:
they are mistaken.

And we today - as Christian believers - we have a world-view, a heaven-view and some have much more: they know how God sees heaven and world; it's a divine view (EpCoVa).

The heaven-view sees a Trinity: God is Love (like a father or a mother); the Holy Spirit
is divine Energy (like attraction, beauty, empathy, power...) and Jesus is Epiphany of God
+ Spirit (like Logos, Word in heaven and on earth incarnated).

It's very interesting to observe how in thousands of years our "heaven-view" has developed.
In 2017 we may not forget: Jesus told the Sadducees: "You are very much mistaken".
And we ? I think it's a warning. Maybe we also, we may be very much mistaken....
We have a view (EpCoVa) but maybe very much underdeveloped or outdated or backwards.
In every case God is a total Mystery-Event.

Freitag, 2. Juni 2017

In regard of the Holy Spirit...

don't forget: NAMIBIA too is already blessed
with the Holy Spirit !!!

It is supposed the Holy Spirit is for you of great value.
And you got the message HE is poured out (Gen 1.2d
Act 20.1-11 / John 20.21+22). You got Baptism and Confirmation - it means: The Church told you the Holy Spirit is also given to you personally. Is this not a reason for great joy ?

It's like you got the message the Holy Spirit is ready to rent a living room in your Heart and you got the information the Holy Spirit is on the way to visit you or better to dwell in your lovely Heart.

And YOU ???  pregnant with the message the Holy Spirit is on the way, knocks on your door... What are you going to do ???
a) nothing ???  unbelievable !!!
b) phone him an invitation or begging HIM, HE may come ??? For this you are to late.
    HE is already on your doorsteps.
c) better: You make yourself ready for a nice reception (1) but also for an effective dialog:
HOW to cooperate (2) and especially a great readiness or expectation of your personal mission HE will reveal for you (3).

1. Your reception of the Holy Spirit.
A) Because you know the Holy Spirit is all over a great divine Energy - it would be best you open all your five senses for HIM: your eyes, your ears, your sympathy to be touched...  it means: your heart and your brain are really open. Because the Holy Spirit is well known as unpredictable, you bring down your emotions and switch over to curiosity - what surprises HE will bring for you. And bc the Holy Spirit is quite reserved, very soft and extremely nice - there is no reason for any fear or trembling. In practice: every morning as you wash your face you bring it into your consciousness: today again I open my ears and my eyes and my sympathy to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

B) But now we have to remember a very important characteristic of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is incarnated in the whole cosmos, in the nature, in every water and flower and animal and especially in every human being, in every group of humans, in every structure, in every event etc...  ergo: incarnated all over... The Holy Spirit is the deepest energy of life having in his mind to bring the whole creation into the fullness of Life.
C) This means in regard of mankind to make every person aware of his acting and inviting every person to come into a wonderful cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
Therefore - where ever you go, whatever you do - take into account, it's a meeting with the Holy Spirit. Whenever you listen to somebody, or you listen music, noise, the news (TV, handy, telephone etc...) there is a very fine "underground message" of the Holy Spirit. 

Whenever you see somebody or something - be aware...   be ready to discover the deep, nice background-message , the radiance of his beauty.

D) The reception of the Holy Spirit is long overdue. Some people didn't learn it...   maybe they didn't know: the Holy Spirit is the truth, the goodness, the real beauty of the creation. HE is the ground-energy of the beautiful love in you, in nature and in the whole cosmos.