Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

Trinity - Mystery

epiphany - content - value (EpCoVa)yesterday - today -tomorrow (yetotow)

After the Holy Spirit is poured out - we may be curious what happen with our VIEW.
Our VIEW since ever has 3 dimensions: What we perceive has 1.) epiphany
2.) content 3.) value (EpCoVa). I have discovered we people have a world view
(EpCoVa)...  that's fine;  but the lion, the bird, the fish - which kind of world-view will they have ? And my friend - his world-view (EpCoVa) may be very different from mine ?

And the Sudducees as well as the Pharisees they have not only a own world-view (EpCoVa)
the have also a heaven-view (EpCoVa) And - what a surprise - Jesus is convinced:
they are mistaken.

And we today - as Christian believers - we have a world-view, a heaven-view and some have much more: they know how God sees heaven and world; it's a divine view (EpCoVa).

The heaven-view sees a Trinity: God is Love (like a father or a mother); the Holy Spirit
is divine Energy (like attraction, beauty, empathy, power...) and Jesus is Epiphany of God
+ Spirit (like Logos, Word in heaven and on earth incarnated).

It's very interesting to observe how in thousands of years our "heaven-view" has developed.
In 2017 we may not forget: Jesus told the Sadducees: "You are very much mistaken".
And we ? I think it's a warning. Maybe we also, we may be very much mistaken....
We have a view (EpCoVa) but maybe very much underdeveloped or outdated or backwards.
In every case God is a total Mystery-Event.

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