Samstag, 31. März 2012

Palm-Sonday B (01.04.2012) Mk 11.1-10

Going public

After some mission-experiences, the Jesus-movement has decided to go public.
An entrance-procession into Jerusalem, shouting Hosanna etc...
It seems they have discovered: it's no help to be a special group without going into
or confronting the structures of power, to seek dialogue... looking for changes means to be exposed...
The "Last Supper" says all...   full dedication; death by engagement, wheat-grain...

The famous question: today - how our Christian-Churches are going public? Is there no mission, message...   no need for changes?  The secular State of Namibia is respected...   but how this State realizes justice and peace?  The participation of all
with the fullness of Life. Let's hope the Christian-Churches will find a way "to go together into Jerusalem".

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