Sonntag, 1. April 2012

to go public

excerpt from the homily on Palm-Sunday in Osire (01.04.2012)
The Palm-Sunday tells us the fact, that Jesus has decided to go public -
cf. procession...  as followers: we are invited to go public too
I propose four steps
a) first You! open your mouth; what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what
    you doubt ... tell it to your people; don't be a grave of your belief!
    in the Holy Service: open your mouth: sing and pray loudly; be attentive...
    speak to participants; attend the sacraments; open yourself for a service...
    in public everybody may know: you are a Cath. Christian (CC); it's not a secret!
b) if I visit your family: how do I see, feel, you are a Cath.Christian; or you like to keep
    it hidden? Is there a Bible - maybe open? is there a feeling of welcome?
    is there sometimes a prayer? a "holy feast"?
c) on Sunday: you go public - to the Church or you stay at home; nobody may see you
    going to Church?!?! Do you like to be a single hidden CC or a member of the
    Community - well known to everybody? Do you know: we like to see you?
    And every Sunday, after you got the Word and the Holy Bread,  we like to tell you:
    go in peace into public-life - because you have a mission!
d) as a CC do you have a mission - to bring it to a public group, to a council, to a
    movement, to a party - or it doesn't matter? why not represent GRACE in the
    public (like justice, peace, solidarity, accountability, reliability, wisdom etc...)?
    You know: our situation in the word is not the best: we need your engagement
    in all public institutions - sure a CC-life is not a Sunday-walk, it's hard life!

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