Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Jesus obedient ? Lk 2.41-52

I greet you saying:   "The Lord be with you"
                 In the Old Testament it means: "The Jahwe-God be with you"
                 In the New Testament   "         :  "Jesus, representing God,
                                                                                        be with you"

And your answer: once: "and also with you
                           now:  "and with your spirit" (in Namibia since advent 2012)
                                    it means? not with your bones, heart, face, mind...
                                                    where is my spirit ???
"Rome" (five Latin-fans cardinals) have decided, the whole english-catholic-world must go back to the Latin-version: "et cum spititu tuo"; there has been some
protest from priests... but as the bishops have been obedient to Rome...
now we have it! it's the same with: Jesus has died now "for many" not any more
"for all". And the Catholics, educated to follwo Jesus as an obedient person,
have taken it over...and I fear: in the Liturgy nothing is important any more.

But the gospel of today shows us an other Jesus:
Jesus is busy with the affairs of God (not of the family, not of the business...)
and 01. he is listening to the music of the world;
             what is said about God ? (by the old prophets etc...)
      02. he put a lot of questions, or: he put all in question...
             why is it so ? from where comes this order ?
      03. he trys to give new answers; God is a human action...
And he is running away without to inform his parents; once found he answered:
You didn't know? (you are not up to date).
Jesus has shown disobedience during his whole life!

In 2012 we had the Bishops-Synode "new evangelisation"; but no new result.
Bishops totally obedient to the Pope cannot bring up new ideas; they wait
for an order to be executed.
Did we do the same in 2012? obedient, no new ideas? or indifferent?
Pls keep the young Jesus in mind: busy with the affairs of God.

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

Christmas 2012 - from the vision to the reality

The Advent may have started 150'000 years ago: during the evolution of our conciousness people developped the vision of God - it's an internal view of the forces byond. They have discovered a lot of gods... 
the story of the religions will show you this; how interesting!
They have also discovered - maybe 2000 years before Jesus Christ - the now famous Jahwe-God. And - why not - a lot of people are still in the Advent;
for these people it's now important to put the question more seriousely than ever:
which kind of God do I expect today? During this searching process we may listen to many many voices and we may develop a strategy to clean, to improve, to enligthen
our concept of God.

Then comes Christmas: Waiting for salvation, waiting God may come to our rescue, we are invited to go to Bethlehem; to open our eyes - what do we see?
First we see a child; we see a manger in a stable - Jesus of Nazareth is born.
The Gospel tells us his life and his message... and his death on the cross.
Later the new Jesus-Movement tells us: He is the redeemer. It means: some people have decided: not to wait any more for God to come to our rescue.
They are convinced: this prophet of Nazareth brought the solution for our problems.
He has started a new life-style. He as a human being has the courage to understand himself as "bread of Life"; as the way... as light in the darkness...
as healer...  and he invited people to have the same understanding = to follow him.
His message is so great and wonderful - no wonder - some people believe:
it's the one God has sent to our rescue. The Christian Theology is busy until today
to make the best interpretation of this prophet from Nazareth. But he told his followers: do the same.

Since Christmas - the Advent is over for Christian people. They know the responsibility for the world-life-system is given into the hand of mankind.
The world is "a manger in a stable" - today for 7 Billions. The Baptism has reveald them: as a global Jesus-Movement we bring shalom into this world.
It's a new view: We have been expecting God as a saviour - but we got a human being. Did you know that your friend may be a saviour for you? Did you know that real love is the experience of "fulness of Life" ?
Since Christmas - we have a new world-view! Humanity is in charge...

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Advent 2012 - VISION (Homily 231212 St. Anthony)

The Ev Luke 1.39-44 has painted for us - ca. 50 years after Jeus has died -
a wonderful picture: Mary, the young girl from Nazareth, pregnant, runs over
the hill to visit the old Elizabeth, wife of the Hight-Priest Zachariah, pregnant too.
Elizabeth is highly enjoyed and blessed Mary und the fruit of her womb.
                                                                                             How harmonious!
80 years after Jeus was born, Luke still insists: Mary, Symbol and Mother of the New Testament, serves Elizabeth, Symbol and daughter of the Old Testament.
And Luke is convinced: the Jewish Religon, founded in the Old Testament, will and have to bless in the name of their Jahwe-God the New Jesus-Movement, the Christianity. That is his VISION.

The reality is an other one: Jesus, once baptised by John, has broken up with John and has gone his own way. The Jewish People is afraid and has accused Jesus of betrayal and asked for his death. The young Deacon Stephanus is already  martyr... The Council of the Apostles has decided for the New Jesus-Movement:
the circumcision (the most important sign of the relationship with the Jahwe-God) is not needed any more.! The break-away of the New-Movement from the Jewish-Religion is evident. But for Luke - in the time of Advent - it's of utmost importance to keep the vision: Judaism and the Jesus-Movement belong together. But the Jahwe-God is in favour of the New-Movement.
Wee see now a terrible history of nearly 2000 years: Judaism and Christianity
are enemies; they destroy each other. Finally the Vatican II-Council has brought relief: Judaism is now officially the older brother of the Christianity. But how to go on is yet open... Is Christianity also the prodigal Son?

To have a VISION is more important than only to see the reality.
That's the message of the Gospel of today. That's why we have asked to create
a vision: which kind of God I'm waiting for?  The vision will save us.
The old picture is over - the new vision is getting strength...  
will there be a break-away or an implementation? There will be a conflict!
Do we have a conflict-strategy: to reconcile old and new!
Our vision of God will be grounded on Christmas.

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

recommendation - to hear...

On the way into our future - it's good to hear different voices!
Good voices I got every week by the magazine: "THE TABLET"   
             cf. 3 Nov 2012 a good example:
+ Iran as a challenge to peace.    / + New Evangelisation - nostalgia ?
+ The new Pope ? - (from Asia)     / + Catholicism lite - the way ?
+ Vaticanum II: work in progress! / + The situation in Nigeria.
+ Teaching Eucharist..                 / + Vagina: an new biography ?
+ The Church in the World.

                     per year: US$ 179.-