Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Jesus obedient ? Lk 2.41-52

I greet you saying:   "The Lord be with you"
                 In the Old Testament it means: "The Jahwe-God be with you"
                 In the New Testament   "         :  "Jesus, representing God,
                                                                                        be with you"

And your answer: once: "and also with you
                           now:  "and with your spirit" (in Namibia since advent 2012)
                                    it means? not with your bones, heart, face, mind...
                                                    where is my spirit ???
"Rome" (five Latin-fans cardinals) have decided, the whole english-catholic-world must go back to the Latin-version: "et cum spititu tuo"; there has been some
protest from priests... but as the bishops have been obedient to Rome...
now we have it! it's the same with: Jesus has died now "for many" not any more
"for all". And the Catholics, educated to follwo Jesus as an obedient person,
have taken it over...and I fear: in the Liturgy nothing is important any more.

But the gospel of today shows us an other Jesus:
Jesus is busy with the affairs of God (not of the family, not of the business...)
and 01. he is listening to the music of the world;
             what is said about God ? (by the old prophets etc...)
      02. he put a lot of questions, or: he put all in question...
             why is it so ? from where comes this order ?
      03. he trys to give new answers; God is a human action...
And he is running away without to inform his parents; once found he answered:
You didn't know? (you are not up to date).
Jesus has shown disobedience during his whole life!

In 2012 we had the Bishops-Synode "new evangelisation"; but no new result.
Bishops totally obedient to the Pope cannot bring up new ideas; they wait
for an order to be executed.
Did we do the same in 2012? obedient, no new ideas? or indifferent?
Pls keep the young Jesus in mind: busy with the affairs of God.

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