Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

recommendation - to hear...

On the way into our future - it's good to hear different voices!
Good voices I got every week by the magazine: "THE TABLET"   
             cf. 3 Nov 2012 a good example:
+ Iran as a challenge to peace.    / + New Evangelisation - nostalgia ?
+ The new Pope ? - (from Asia)     / + Catholicism lite - the way ?
+ Vaticanum II: work in progress! / + The situation in Nigeria.
+ Teaching Eucharist..                 / + Vagina: an new biography ?
+ The Church in the World.

subscription: www.thetablet.co.uk
                     e-mail: thetablet@servicehelpline.co.uk
                     per year: US$ 179.-

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