Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Jesus going public Lk 4.14-21 (27.01.2013)

The start of the public work of Jesus in the 4 Evv
By Mt 4.12-25 Jesus goes to the City of Capernaum;
                                   proclaims: the Kingdom of God is at hand
                                   calls disciples and shows his healing power
By Mk 1.14-15 Jesus goes round in Galilee
                                   proclaims: the Kingdom of God is at hand
By Joh 2.1-12   Jesus change water into wine / start with a wonder
By Lk  4.14-21 Jesus identify himself with Isaiah
                                   The Holy Spirit sent bring good news to the afflicted.
                                   And to good news that's me!

In the OLD TESTAMENT the Kingdom of God is a promise
In the NEW TESTAMENT the Kingdom of God is at hand / ready to be activated;
                                      Jesus shows the way...  wonder + cross
In the GLOBAL TESTAMENT the Kingdom of God brings God and Humanity and Kosmos into unity. Quite a great work: the integration into our world-view
of the knowledge about the kosmos, of the teachings of Gods and of the understandings about humanity.

In 2013 we see all three TESTAMENTS at work; into which tradition you like to
integrate yourself ?


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