Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

The FIRST of all the wonders Joh 2.1-12 (20.01.2013)

Jesus has started his own profetic work with the slogan: "The kingdom of God is
at hand". He came to activate the kingdom of God.
John the Ev shows us by the story of the FIRST of all the wonders what Jesus
likes to do, what is meant by "kingdom of God":

In the view of Jesus + John etc... Life is a feast!                   (wedding at Cana)
But there is the experience of a shortage of Joy!           (wine the symbol of joy)
The Church knows what to do!               (Mary the symbol of the Church says...)
                  1. To recognize the situation... the shortage  (they have no wine)      
                  2. Why and in which situation to turn to Jesus.
                                        If you turn to Jesus to have fulfilled your needs,your
                                        desires - Jesus will tell you "It's not my kairos"! (chance)
                  3. In every case: "Do whatever he tells you" (HE is the new shepherd).

Now we look at the openning revelation.
                        WATER            HE  CHANGED    into WINE ! ! !
                  (the daily Life)                                          (joy)

The Kingdom of God                       is affirmative            Life-joy.
(The new Life we have started - means: changing the situation into JOY)

This FIRST wonder is the basic of all the other wonders; all wonders of Jesus
are signs, showing us: Jesus likes to change life into JOY (Fulness of Life).
We are a Christian Community to lift up all of us into abundant Life-Joy.

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