Sonntag, 14. April 2013

Mr. SOMEBODY Joh 21.1-14

What tells us this story from the rich fish-catch ? After the Apostles and the
first disciples have died - the Jesus-Movement is busy to proclaim  the
unbelievable resurrection of the Lord Jesus !  to believe we need signs...

In the Gospel: Mr. Somebody gives an effective advice - and the disciples execute it. Great catch! The one, who knows Jesus best starts to suspect: The Spirit of Jesus may be embodied in this Mr. Somebody - it's the risen Lord who acts!
Und the braeckfast-meal  after the hard work - the bread as a sign: the bread of Life is given. Mr Somebody realizes in his way the Spirit of Jesus.
[Unification of identities or: two I's doing the same act].

As a fiction: There wa a unsuccessfull school... the pupils out of way...
Mr Somebody gives advice: A) The parents are responsible for the school.
B) The teachers are in service of the education - rendering their best...
(without or with better salaries): knowledgeable...   C) The HoD's  execute best
administration und motivation...  D) The learners are disciplined and eager...
And oh wonder! All work together... they perform the advice...
Today - this school is well know as best ... a profit for all and more... a feast
celebrates the understanding: "we are all in service of...." 

As a theory: The Spirit of Jesus Christ is embodied in all of us. He is challenged
into resurrection here and now. The resurrection way means: doing in the given situation what the Spirit of Jesus wants us to do. Resurrection means: put your lives here and now in a new perspective: to bring all of us into a greater participation with the fullness of Life.

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