Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

14 Sun C / 07.07.13 / Mission-STRATEGY

Lk 10.1-10 presents us the "mission-strategy" of Jesus as follows:
JESUS has sent - ahaed of him - 72 disciples in pairs to bring the Good News
(the Kingdom of God is very near you) and to heal....
First Jesus made a statement: a) the harvest is rich  b) the labourers are few.
Sec.  Jesus gives instructions....
Third Jesus has a place and a good time for feedback und evaluation.

This text of Lk is seen like a seed, an example for a lot of "mission-work" for the next 2000 years.

Imitation A:  The CHURCH-leadership sends until today tens of thousands,
priests and laymen... into the world...
The statements of today: the harvest is more difficylt than ever...  (???)
The instructions of today: a lot of... eg. poverty, obedience, celibacy etc... etc...

Imitation B: Until today we have many more they are very well engaged to spread the Good News without any direct mission (sending) - they go out of their own decision (based on Baptism); or they have a story: Jesus sent them, they feel it.

To have a mission... is very modern...   CHURCH, State, Business (Banks) etc...
to publish your MISSION is part of your Identity. The "MISSION" is an expression
of where we like to go...  
take it all together: we find the conscious direction of the WORLD
For me, this great world-wide "mission-work" is an example of a cultural evolution...
and how the homo sapiens tries to give to the blind evolution a direction...
and here we find also the CHRISTIAN-tree in the "After-Eden-Garden".

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