Samstag, 13. Juli 2013

15 Sun C / 140713 / "Next of kin" ? ? ?

The lawyer in Lk 10.25-37 knows exactly what is written in the Holy Book;
but he likes to irritate Jesus,the now famous profet of Nazareth, and he likes
to force Jesus to take side.
But first: it must be clear:
The Kingdom of God, the fulness of Life, is based on the rule: Love God...
and your neighbour as yourself. That's now clear...  but because life is complex:
again and again you have to decide: who is my next  - the one with the same blood? the one with the same language? with the same Baptism? with the same agenda? the one next door or the one with common interest, request? the one with the same colour or the one with the same Nation? To which relationship I give priority? family-relation, profession-relation, confession-relation etc...  ? ? ?
Jesus has given his new answer by the parable of the "mercyfull Samaritan".
The one who shows mercy to you is your next - she/he is to be loved!
Here we see how Jesus has established a new category of relationship.
The relationship of MERCY - who goes deeper than justice and peace.

How to understand it ? In the hebrew language MERCY = WOMB.
WOMB is the place where you are protected to grow up to be born into
fulness of life more and more...
The one who is for you a WOMB, who sows MERCY to you - she/he gives you the
chance to grow up protected and to go the way to participate more and more with
the fulness of Life. What are you without WOMB ?
The human life is based on the womb-net; on the mercy-relationship.
Some thinkers have seen the earth as womb; some believers see God as womb.
The famous "Lord have mercy"... means: God is for me/ for us womb.
And Jesus knows: human mercy mirrors God as womb.

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