Freitag, 30. August 2013

22 Sunday C / 010913 / I HAVE A DREAM...

50 years ago on the 28th Aug.1963 Dr. Martin Luther King jr delivered his famous speech in Washington DC  " let freedom ring from every hill...
"And wenn this happens, when we allow freedom to ring from every village...
from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual 'free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last"

G. Williams said: MLK's words constitute one of the most passionate political statements of the 20th century, a source of inspiration in the quest for freedom in so many different countries around the world.

2000 years ago JvN also declared his dream: "The kingdom of God is at hand".
The Gospel of today put his dream in practice Lk 14.1-24 At a great meal with Pharisees, Jesus was invited and took the lead:
A (14.2-7): The holy LAW is meant for the liberation of mankind (healing!)
B (14.7-11): The one who humbles himself will be exalted (stay in service !)
C (14.12-14): option for the poor (marginalized / not one let behind !)
D (14.15-24): be awake! there is a danger to loose the chance (kairos !)

In 2013 Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro (World-Youth-Day) has shown his dream
saying to millions of people:
go...   (ite missa est!) don't do nothing; be engaged; make your dreams come true
without fear...   against all difficulties; with courage and wisdom;
to serve...    give hands to the marginalized, to the handicapped...

In our Sunday-Celebration, as we come together to praise God, we may ask or wonder which DREAM God may have for all his creation, for the whole humanity.
There are many people, mostly named Profets, they mirror the DREAM of GOD.
But one is sure: To make the dreams come true - it needs our engagement.
Therefore at the end of the Holy Mass we say very clearly:
As now God is with you ... go... and lend a hand...

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