Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013

27 Sun C : high level readings...

As I first read the Gospel Lk 17.5-10 I decided: there are two topics:
A) about faith; it's a wish of the Apostles (of the Church) "increase our faith".
Thinking about faith means to see: faith is an energy to live to the full, a force; resource of power to conduct power.The response of Jesus is interesting: He didn't tell them: yes; I like to give you faith. He has given them an example: how faith is effectiv! It seems Jesus encouraged them to care for their own faith;
to find a methode to increase their own faith.
Today we know three methods to increase faith in our own soul: meditation, experiences, imagination. If you like: try...
B) The relationship between master and servant has led me to a study:
How in history have developped the different public forms to execute power -
in the State, in the Church, in the business-world, in the family? From patriarchalism over theocracy to democracy... 
no thanks to the servant, because he has only done his duty...  until today this old
idee: God is master and we are servant - is exercised in our Church (theology).
The impetus of Jesus to change this old realtionship between God and mankind
has failed...until today

Then I jumped to the profet Habakkuk: complaining the situation and the fact: God is doing nothing! It's exactly the same today: the experience: God is doing nothing. At least God has given a vision (it will come):"the evil one will not survive
the right one will live because of his faith". Again: faith as power to live to the full.

And at the end, by Paulus (2Tim 1.6) I read: I am reminding you to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you.    One gift we got is faith; this resource of power to live to the full. Paulus now clears up the situation:
Don't ask: please increase, don't have only a vision for later - fan into a flame!
the gift of faith; it's up to you to improve your faith - fan it into a flame!

"Faith" is one of the most powefull forces, energy in the hand of mankind; there is no human being without this energy. But sure in some people faith is nearly extinguished; the engine is lame. These people are invited to attend a meditation-
course with this three steps: 1. I exercise faith in myself;  2. I learn faith in the
universe   3. I imagine faith in God.
And don't forget: faith is a risky decision.


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