Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

Christmas as great Epiphany ...

What are we going to discover as we meditate the events at the manger ? ? ?

A) The Child... we have im fokus a new human being... a lot is spoken about this child... the child himself has presented an interesting life (style)...  has proclaimed
a new message...   and finally they called him "Emmanuel".

B) There is no place for this child...  the child is in danger of life...   a refugee...
"did you not know that I must be busy with my Father's affairs ?"

C) The shepherds...   a message for them....   on the one side: "Glory to God in the
highest..." on the other side: "peace to men"   Heaven and Earth are affected!

D) The profet Simeon and Anna...   what a child ?

E) The wise men...  led by a star...  (not by the Word of God).... missled (it was not
the newborn king)...   but: this child got now gold and incense and mhyrre...
(and not the Jahwe-God in the temple).

F) How many names will this child carry on ...    and which name is my favorite ?

G) Where do I find this child again ? in the Eucharist ? in the sacraments ?
in the Church ?  in my heart ?   in the  wind ?   in my friends ?

H) The manger I meditate  - I found it in the past!   and today ?  The birth of Jesus Christ is something for the past or something of today (where ? ) and why not something for the future ? 

I) May it be that the manger brings me to an other "concept of God"...  
to discover "the Human! as the sacrament of God ?"

J) We never know what happen on Christmas with us ? with me ? with the world ?
The discovery of a real humanity ?

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