Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

Family - Sunday 2013

1.) The Bible says about the family life of Jesus two remarks:
A) Lk shows a feast-programme
a) (2.16-21): there is circumcision and name-giving.
b) There is a temple visit in Jesrusalem (2.22-40) the law demands:
    Purification + Consecration / And the old Simeon speaks about enlighten the
    pagans and the prophetess Anna; a temple-lady, fan of the child.
c) There is the early Passover-feast, but once (Jesus was 12 yers old) it became a
    nightmare "looking after Jesus busy with the Father's afffairs".
B) Mt shows a dramatic escape: "they are on the run"  (Mt 2.13-15, 19-23)
    And all this to fulfill the scripture!
The family-story as a story of signs to show how the JoN is the Messiah;
a significant story constructed after the Resurrection - because this event has changed the view.

2.) This family: Mary + Joseph + Jesus + his brothers and sisters...
a "holy family" ? They have made it an ideal picture; an icon!
In service of evangelisation?

3.) That is what happen today again: Because in terms of family nothing is more clear in our society, the RCChurch has proclaimed 2014 as a "year of the family"
and a special bishops-synode will bring clarity.
But (and here I see the problem) Bishops know already "how family life should be";
they know already "the concept of a really Christian family" - they don't need any advise, any search... they only need people who listen to them, obedient people!
Since Mary + Joseph + Jesus have lived a family unity... we have the ideal;
we need ways to bring this ideal to the people and to make them it going.
There will be a special family-prayer because the RCChurch will ask God to do it right.

4.) Also the Church should be a family... what an incredible way...  for 2014!
The African bishops once declared the RCChurch as ! "a family of God". 

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