Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014

Holy curiosity leads to great discovery...

Since Christmas we know God is totally connected with humanity...
this is why Jesus Christ got the name "Immanuel" (God with us).
Since Easter we know the call of God into Life is definite
this is why there is resurrection.
In Baptism we have decided to accept "Immanuel"
                                           and to go the resurrection-way.

The Apostle Philip asked: Lord let us see the Father-God!
And Jesus answered: To have seen me is to have seen the Father God.
[This answer is a total tranformation of the old understanding of God;
we discover now that Jesus has brought a new "concept of God", a new picture!]
Abraham told us: to see God means to see " Our Father in Heaven".
Moses told us: the name of God is JAHWE (the one who is in existence for us).
And now Jesus: God is incarnated in himself, in his followers, in all human beings.
Everyone who likes to see the Holy God has now to look at human beings.
In modern language: every person is a sparkling epiphany of God.  
Jesus likes to explain this as he told Thomas: "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life"
He is a "spark of God" as on the way, as in a dynamic radiance...
He is a "spark of God" as a "real reality"  (more than illusion, then imagination)
He is a "spark of God" as a fizzing energy of Life (Spirit of Life, breath of Life).

As baptised people of 2014 we are challenged to follow Jesus Christ and this means to take over his message of God, his picture of God - to see God incarnated in every human being - to see every person as a "spark of God". Such a transfor-
mation is not easy and I fear the Rom Cath Church is nor ready for this step...
If we keep only the old view of Abraham ("Our Father in Heaven"), as we remain
at the Moses-vision (God for us)...  we exclude the human factor, the role every
person has to perform to radiate God; to be seen as a sparkling epiphany of God.

Pope Francis told us: "There is no Catholic God, and I believe in the incarnation.
And there is a spark of God in everyone".
May we Catholics in Namibia convert to the belief of Jesus and Pope Francis!

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