Samstag, 3. Mai 2014

God is fullness (or HE is nothing !)

Jesus revealed to Nicodemus (Joh 3.1-21)
A) The Christian way of Life means "born from above" (not only from earth!)
    Born of the Holy Spirit (not only out of the "spirit of time")
    Today: The Church speaks about Baptism + Confirmation!
    But it seems - we have not understood these Sacraments...  not yet...
B) God is totally fallen in love with the world (creation / humanity).
    this is proven by: 1. God has given us the creation / life / bread + wine etc...
                               2. God has given us his own Son as "Life-demonstration"
                                   how the "way of Life" is best performed.
                               3. God has given us HIS Spirit; (his energy + will + heart)
     It's clear: The message says: God has already given all HE ever has; for real:
                                                  HE has given Himself; given means: poured out!

Christian vision / view sees, that we are born out of the Spiritual fullness...
and now mandated / sent to distribute this fullness, to share this fullness with all.

After the resurrection of Jesus we recognise his Life, his acting Spirit (energy),
his Body is found, wherever the "bread of Life" is broken " (Last Supper); wherever
the water is shared (fountain of Jacob;

There is to draw one consequence out of the revelation for Nicodemus:
For CHRISTIAN life "begging" is over! Because: we got it already.
Fullness of Life is given; offered into our hands!
"Begging", the "call for help" is natural - as we are going down into the turmoil of the water we naturally cry for help. it's normal...
But this situation is redeemed by Baptism. Since Baptism we see: fullness of Life is given; there is no need "to ask for" any more; no need to begging - it's the contrary:
we are gratefull.
This insight into our situation after Easter, after Baptism brings us to the conclusion: stop the ongoing dominant "begging" in the Christian Church!
Make a first exercise: pray without "ask for" / go to the Holy Mass without any intention to "ask for" something...   you will see: it's nearly impossibel...
deep in our spirit, we got it: "you are fundamentally a beggar"; and this is wrong !

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