Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Manna - Last Supper - Eucharist / today

We celebrate the Establishing of the fountain of Christian Life.
The whole chapter 6 of the Gospel of John likes to explain the Last Supper
and therefore the Pascha-Event Ex 16 and Mt 26.17-30 / Mk 14.12-26 /
Lk 22.7-23 - since 2000 years we like to understand, but...

The language used by John is irritating for us today - especially because Jesus proclaimed the bread he gives came from Heaven.
I try to present a short translation of John 6.51-58:
   Jesus said: I am the actual spiritual food, which came from the fulness of Life.
   Anyone who take in this spiritual food will live to the full.
   And this food that I shall give is my life-style for the Life of the world.
The people could not understand Jesus; so he explained:
   I declare clear: if you do not live my life-style and realise my intention
   you will not have Life to the full. But anyone who does will in reality fully
   participate on the fulness of Life. We shall be one.
   For my life-style is a real spiritual food, my perfect intention a real refreshing.
   Sent by the Mystery of God I myself draw my energy of Life from this Mystery;
   so who lives me will draw Life-energ from me.
   This is the food distributed from the fulness of Life.

Heaven = fulness of Life / Father = Mystery of God / flesh = life-style /
blood = intention / bread = real spiritual food /

As we "eat the bread and drink the blood", we take into our body, mind, and soul
the life-style and the intention of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we participate in a
high level with the possibilities Life has in store for us. An unique chance...

It's high time also in Namibia to discover an new form to celebrate Eucharist.
We need an open good-will-group, a real table, a profound "sharing of the WORD"
and an refreshing "eucharistic meal". Who has the courage ???
I f we still do like "the ancesters" (since 1500 years) we have a pious-daedly
holy Mass - but not a livegiving Event (a fountain of GRACE).

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