Freitag, 4. Juli 2014

What a self-consciousness !

A) The message Mt 11.26 Jesus prays:
"Yes, God, for that is what it pleased you to do:
Everything has been entrusted to me by God."  He is Administrator not Owner.

B) This is the self-consciousness of Jesus: Jesus knows and he is convinced,
that all is given into his hands: to administer, to distribute it, to us it rightly.

C) This is also the message of the Sundays before:
look at Pentecost: The Spirit of God is given.  to implement it all over...
look at Trinity:       The Son is given.                to acualize him...
look at Corpus Christi: The Bread of Life for the World is given. to share it...
look at Peter + Paul:    The Revelation is given.   to ackknowledge it...

D) Who ever follows Jesus is invited to take over his self-consciousness.
Every baptised Christian may get the conviction: God has already given
to the mankind all: Himself, his Spirit, his Son, his Creation, his Grace...
God is not only giving - He is given

E) Out of this conviction, Jesus (living out of the fullness of Life already given)
was able to give his own Life for the Administration of the fullness..
Jesus also is not only giving - He is given

F) After such a message, we may respond: "sorry, my experience is an other one.
Yes Life is given - but not in full." In fact, you are right. Not all is given to you,
but to the mankind as a whole. And you personnally are one, only one of seven
billiones. You are called to participate with the given fullness of Life. It means:
we have to share, to administer this fullness of Life in favour of all.

G) We are not called to begger, to collect as much as possibel for myself.
We are called to see the reality, to live out of the fullness given and to share,
to distribute this fullness. This means: engagement in politics, economy,
science, civil society...  engagement also in the Church to implement the
consciousness of Jesus.

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