Samstag, 2. August 2014

Food for the crowd Mt 14.13-21

WHO may nourish the crowd ?  There are different views:
The disciples say: "they can go to the villages to buy themselves some food."
Jesus says: "give them to eat yourselves". What is the right strategy ?

Jesus takes the initiative and demonstrate a clear example:
The Church has to feed the crowd.
Mt is convinced: "the emerging Church" (the Jesus-Movement) has a own
"spiritual food" for the listening crowd (Eucharist: WORD + BRAED).

In 2014 the RCC is busy to prepare a own "spiritual food" in regard of family-life.
It's high time to develop a new view of "what family-life is all about". And foremost:
What is the contribution of the Church to the development of this "institution"
named "family" ? Once there was a slogan: "family = home church".
Today this slogan is inadequate and buried. Everybody knows: it's outdated.
The Church is not founded on the blood-line... Jesus had a total other view.
But there is not yet a newly elaborated family-view for our time. We hope the Synode will do it.

There are many other realities on our spiritual life in urgent need of own food.
We need a very new "idea of God". The old proposal: to see God as a Father,
as a Creator, as a Judge etc... such pictures are more and more discoverd as
"outdated", inadequate in the modern new orld-view.
The Holy Spirit is composing the universal cosmos-concert
God plays it an the Harp.
(The Humanity, Jesus etc... everyone is the one Harp, the instument,
to bringt the composition into the air).

The ecumenism, the way to realize the unity of the Christian Churches is also in dire need of new own food. In 2017 we celebrate the "REFORMATION" (Luther).
But still we see the different Churches as a disgrace, not as a flower-bouquet.

And what about the "PRIESTHOOD" ??? no solution; no new own food!
What about the "LITURGY" ???     not to understand any more !
And "the begging prayer culture"  God has to do the work, not we!

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