Freitag, 25. Juli 2014

The Kingdom of God - project No 1

Mt 13.44-52 draws our interest into the message about the Kingdom of Heaven,
who is near at hand (KoG). For every baptized person the KoG is project No 1;
it means: all his/her activities are determined to build up the KoG here and now.
In reality (Ithink) the most of all baptized people they have the KoG in mind only
on Sunday (if they go to Church). Today the KoG is rather a forgotten diamont.
The Church is not the KoG but only a medium to realize it.

How to explain the KoG ?
a hidden treasure = a wondefull girl somewhere = a heart operation
someone has found =  I discovered her               = I see it as my life-aim
he hides it again =  I keep it for me                     = I ponder about this in my mind
goes off happy =  I'm very happy                          = I feel well by this meditation
sells everything =  I do all to date her                 = I study very hart
buys the field = I decide she belongs to me          = it's my profession

What a dynamic process, an occurrence, a course of action, a creative event,
a happening. The KoG is not a quiet landscape but an cultural evolution;
full of up's and down's, full of challenges and joys, disappointments and pleasure.

a) All over the World there are innumerable "hidden treasures". Not only gold-mines but also the cultural heritage, the healings, the good-deeds...
b) To find one of these treasures you must open your senses: to see... to hear...
to smell... to touch... to tast...  the senses are the chance to discover!
c) let it be first your secret, your guiding star, to discover how much you are fan of
d) you have found a new belonging, you are not lost, an enrichment,
a real participation in the fullness of life.
e) and now go public, tell everybody: this treasure is my life, my destiny,
my project No 1
Discovering the beauty, the goodness. the holyness of the creation
is at the start of the search after the KoG.
There are prople they have found a treasure: the Holy Mass as shower of GRACE.
Or they have found a friendship, a group to belong to, a life-aim - so many are the
entrances into the process of the KoG.

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