Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

Mt 25.1-13 "God pls give oil..."

An interesting parable will tell us again that for Jesus Christ the "KINGDOM OF GOD" is project Nr 1 / We are since Baptism as a Community (Church) engaged with the establishment of the "KINGDOM OF GOD" (in other words: follow Jesus Christ).
We know already a lot of this HIS Kingdom
a) it's at hand / nearby / a possibility ready to be activated...
b) it's somehow the participation with the fulness of Life...
c) only the "when and where" (hic and nunc / NOW + HERE ) is quite unknown...
Therefore again the admonition: don't be foolish rather sensible / stay awake /
be attentive (ready to do something) be clever and never forget: the lamp needs oil!
(it means: you !!!  have to care for oil)
Be clever is translated in the Bible: "stay awake". This means to know what is the right thing to do in this situation and means also to have enough energy to do what is right. Nobody is lost...  Everybody may see: the knowledge and the energy is on offer: The knowledge is given by the revelation (by creation, by history,by the Bible) and the energy is given as "braed + wine / as Body of Christ / as "Community serving Humanity". The means are ready...

But all in vain...  the message about the KINGDOM OF GOD will change nothing...
because the frame is wrong !!!

Look at the story ! Nearly all the foolish catholic bridesmaids of today, before they fell asleep, they made a prayer: "pls Holy God wake us up as soon as the bridegroom
comes (like the Sun in the morning) and most of all give us oil (and all what we need"

Pious people feel: God has to do it... and I have to remind him...
Look at the "prayer to Jesus Christ for the Families...." (every Sunday !
They remind God NINE TIMES what He may do...   asseblief dog !
But non of them came together to decide what they have to do -
Catholics belief God has to do the work - finally He is the Creator - if something
is going wrong He has to intervene - so Catholics may go to sleep well!
But they are not educated to take the chance and tell to everybody NOW + HERE,
I do it ! I actualize the given Possibility into Reality !   RIP is the slogan.

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