Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014

All Souls + All Saints "get-up" Lk 7.11-17

As we celebrate today the two groups, we know: one day everyone belongs to the great group of "all souls" and we have the chance to belong to the minority group too: the "all saints".The first group has the privilege to get the word "get-up".
Jesus word: I tell you "get-up" is not an order, is not a wish, is just the right thing to do. If not; you are not up-right! Only as up-right you will get the right human perspective... to see the world, to see you neighbour (on the same eye-level).

The call "get-up" is an universal call; already a call for the unborn baby; but much more: it's a call for the animal, it maens "get-up" is the evolutionary call for hominisation; to bring to the fore the homo sapiens.The sun also gets the daily
call "get-up"; the whole cosmos is alive under the call "get-up". And some people
belief the call "get-up" is for ever and ever (eternal life) or is a call into the fulness
of Life; or: life without end...

"Get-up" means go into existence. go into life, go on the way, show yourself, be attractive, stay upright, take it on... -
and whenever you are down, tired, dead, discouraged, lame, lazy -
you hear and you know it: it's just the right thing to do: to "get-up"..

In regard of the other group "all saints", a minority, we recognize. these are souls, they have done well; the call "get-up" is changed into "they got-up". These are con-
firmed people; we have seen: they have performed a "uprising"; a demonstration for
life. The group "all saints" shows how much we all are in the hand of others; the other, not you, decides: you are a saint.
"All souls" are still struggling; "all saints" not any more.

In the Liturgy we tell everybody: "lift up your hearts"; this call is like: "get-up". In our holy celebration we should have the courage to "get-up", to stand-up, to be upright,
to realize the human perspective.

At the end:  "all souls" + "all saints" are given to the mother, the earth.
In every case - dead or alive - we belong to the mother-earth.
The cosmos, the earth, the mother are the three wombs for all.

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