Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

DUST - STARDUST - Transfiguration

They told us: "You are dust... " / we accept: it's a reality ! but: it's NOT THE REALITY !
Today everybody knows: WE ARE STARDUST ... and stardust is source, ground- element of Life or prelife-ground. Enjoy "you are stardust... "   it's NOT THE REALITY !
You are a child: the product of nature - sure, it's a reality.but: Some people transcent the natural child-figure and they tell you "You are a God-child" - that is trans- figuration; they see more and more and more...  our universe is a cosmos (a net of forces) it's a reality. but some people see more: the say the cosmos is a
creation (a work made by God). In this kind we all live in a stormy ocean of trans-figurations.  
JvN like everybody is a "victim" of such transfigurations: "we see you as..."

In the Lententime we have such a transfiguration-ladder in regard of God.
Which kind of God you like to praise ? Joel 2.12 is a step...
1. Sun (Gen 9.8-15)  we got the conviction: God is "God of Covenant"
    God is totally in relation with us / in reality: no God without us.
2. Sun (Gen 22.1-18) we got the conviction: God is "God of Life".
    No more life-sarifices - stop Abraham until today...
3. Sun (Ex 20.1-17) we got the conviction: God is "God of Liberation".
    And we start to understand that the commandements are chances...
4. Sun (2 Chro 36.14-23)  God is "God of messengers"
    He sends angels, profets, kings, ordinary people, children as his spokpersons.
5. Sun (Jer 31.31-34) we got the conviction: God is "God of the hearts".
    The law of God, the commandements are written deep in peoples life.
All these "convictions" are transfigurations: The mysterious figure "GOD"
will get again and again a new value, a new meaning we are on a discovery-way.

For religious people (Christians, Jews, Muslims etc...) these God-convictions
(pictures) are a dynamic reality - formatting our lives, our personality. These
convictions lead us (the believers - like Jesus) into action (John 2.13-25: zeal
for God's house will devour me). And at the end: our lives are representations
of our convictions. All transfigurations in the world will bring us nearer to THE
REALITY, bc they are "turning-points to God".

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