Samstag, 21. März 2015

God of Covenant

Looking around which kind of God we like to praise - on the fifth Sunday of Lent B
the prophet Jeremiah invites us (Jeremiah 31.31-34):
The LORD says: I will make a new covenant... - not like the old one -
Deep within them I will plant my LAW ... writing it on their hearts...
and they will all know me.

It looks like: the idea of Covenant is developping...  God has new ideas...
We know the NOA-covenant (rain-bow): no more extinction - Life is secured.
EXODUS-covenant: oout of slavery - into liberation...
SINAI-covenant: survival-rules...   how to live into the future...

And now Jeremiah comes with a new VISION (telling us, it's the vision of God):
The new covenant will be not only with humanity (NOA), not only with the people of God (EXODUS, SINAI), but now with every individual person.
That's quite an interesting extension of the covenant-idea.
Transfer for a moment this new covenant-idea into our time (2015):
Not only the UNO, not only the STATE, not only the CHURCH, not any AUTORITY
will tell you the LAW of GOD because "it's written on the person's heart".
This makes the search after God's LAW totally complex ! How will all these
"institutions" unite their view and take into account "what is written on the heart
of every person" - really a complicated view !

For Christian people remains the question: Is this now the new covenant Jesus brought us ? The one, we enter by Baptism, we secur by the Eucharist, we actualize
by every Sacrament ???  Pay attention:
1.) The CHURCH tells us: the NEW COVENANT is alredy done - Jesus has given signature by his blood, by his life of engagement for us until death.
2.) You are invited to sign the new covenant; it means to live like Jesu
3.) This covenant cannot be broken any more because Jesus has given signature
for us (I will forgive their iniquity and never call their sin to mind).
What Jeremiah hears is a VISION... and we are called to look around and to open our ears... maybe we discover the new covenant is emerging. 

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